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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:42 pm
by handyman
I have a dewalt delta sander. The sanding action is orbital

I have a fein sander. The sanding action is the same as the bosch. It osilates from side to side.

The action of the dewalt is far more agressive and therefore better in my mind for quick removal of paint. Dewalt for aggresive paint removal, fein for keying work

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:48 pm
by skiking
Would it be able to cut a laminate worktop?

I have a worktop secured in place which is currently the end of a run so there is an over hang at the side. However, I'm going to extend this run but I need to take off this overhang so the new units will fit flush with the existing. I can't take the worktop off so I need to cut from underneath (to stop the surface chipping) and this tool may be able to access the tight space but would it be powerfull enough ?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:56 pm
by ultimatehandyman
If you look at the link that Hoovie posted it shows a guy using one on a worktop.

They are very impressive for such a small machine.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:00 pm
by handyman
ultimatehandyman wrote:They are very impressive for such a small machine.

Thats what the wife always tells me, I think she may be humouring me :cb

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:07 pm
by Hoovie
skiking wrote:Would it be able to cut a laminate worktop?

I have a worktop secured in place which is currently the end of a run so there is an over hang at the side. However, I'm going to extend this run but I need to take off this overhang so the new units will fit flush with the existing. I can't take the worktop off so I need to cut from underneath (to stop the surface chipping) and this tool may be able to access the tight space but would it be powerfull enough ?
From other posts by Big-all and a couple others, if you were to use a reversed-tooth jigsaw blade (not sure what they are properly called), that should stop the laminate chipping?
I would think the Bosch PMF would do the job but would be quite slow going?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:56 pm
by peter c
I agree Hoovie it would take forever. I bought some additional blades for mine, the cheapest I could find without going on e-bay (which I have never used, not sure why) was Axminster especially as the postage is free for orders over £25. I ordered mine this Tuesday and they were with the post on Wednesday. Well impressed :thumbright:

Have used Axminster for quite a few years with no probs.

Peter C

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:26 pm
by Gadget
Hoovie wrote:I think the Green Bosch is actually 2 years standard, not 1 year, in fact.

I have never had a Bosch tool fail (prob says a bit about how much I use them :oops: )

Just out of interest, came across this Bosch promo
It's deffo my next tool to buy, regardless of price!!.. :thumbright:

Bosch PMF 180E

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:20 pm
by peterm
[i]I got one of these at B&Q Taunton on Wednesday, reduced from £59.98 to £20. They had a couple of dozen of them on a pallet.
My only concern is that the extra blades may not be available, it could be one of those tools that never sells in sufficient quantities to warrant continued backup from Bosch ( anyone bought a Ventaro? )[/i]

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:29 pm
by ultimatehandyman
The blades from the Fein multimaster fit them!

There is a guy on ebay at the moment selling genuine blades for the bosch PMF 180E and he has plenty. I bought about £40 worth the other day.

This machine will take off bigtime because it is just so damn useful.

£20 is an absolute bargain, you should of bought the lot :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:46 pm
by ultimatehandyman
Here is the guy that I got my blades from-

Bosch blades

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:08 pm
by Hoovie
£20 !!!! - I may have to go down to my B&Q right now to see if they are doing that :shock:

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:45 pm
by peterm
[quote="Hoovie"]£20 !!!! - I may have to go down to my B&Q right now to see if they are doing that :shock:[/quote]
Hoovie, you're not far from Taunton if you're in E Devon and if you're interested they also had quite a few Bosch PST 700E jigsaws at £15 down from £50 ( including a set of 10 assorted blades which I think sell for £14.98 on their own! ) Yes I got one of those as well!!
They also had good reductions ( I stopped looking - my wife will only tolerate me buying so many tools before she expects me to use them! ) on 14.4v drills and Li ion screwdrivers, all on a pallet in the front left hand corner of the store viewed as you go in.
And I see that Axminster power tools do the range of tools for the 180E even though Bosch don't know they do them themselves :-) ! A few blades will cost more than I payed for the tool, maybe I should have bought the lot after all?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:01 pm
by skiking
It may be worth doing a spot the 180E for £20 @ B&Q thread.....I'll check out the ones in Stockport :wink: :lol: (but don't tell the missus otherwise she may use it on my tool :cb )

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:14 am
by Fats
I'm off to the stockport branch tomorrow Ski,i might see you there..i'll be the one with a trolley full if they have em.. :thumbright:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:11 am
by skiking
Just been, none :cb - same for Stanley Green :cb

Although they have the L-ion Bosch Screwdriver for £30