Re: New build studwork
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:42 pm
Seems to be a mixture on new builds here of taped joints on feather edged p/boards or full skim. Having said that, there's a fair amount of paramount partitioning too (bloody hate the stuff) I have plaster boarded some studwork, in the past, but only really to help myself (can't abide waiting on other trades) If I'm fitting a kitchen, I prefer to do my own wet plumbing for this reason.
I've only come across close boarded roofs a few times, (must admit I've only ever done one pitched roof that's been close boarded and that was on an extension coming off a flat garage roof) (weird to explain)
I've only come across close boarded roofs a few times, (must admit I've only ever done one pitched roof that's been close boarded and that was on an extension coming off a flat garage roof) (weird to explain)