Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar drill

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Re: Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar d

Post by thescruff »

A center punch will get the drill in the right place
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Re: Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar d

Post by Agile »

Yes, SS is very hard and you cannot easily make an indentation with a pin punch.

My TC tipped HSS drills can be used with great care with a hand drill but it does risk breaking the drill. They would usually only be used in a pillar drill or lathe.

I still don't really understand what you actually want to make. You seem to think that drilling several holes in a line will work even though you are calling it a "slot".
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Re: Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar d

Post by elecengineer »

If I read it right, you want to file 4mm thick stainless steel with a needle file (to fit in 4mm hole) to join up the holes?

I would have thought that is why people arnt willing to do it, holes no problem but hours of filing?

Much quicker and easier on a mill.

Have you got a local technology school or college?
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Re: Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar d

Post by wrinx »

TigerUK wrote:Stainless steel is slipper and you cannot create a guide indentation into the sheet like you can with aluminium.
If you mean using a punch to create an indentation...yes, that can be done in stainless with a dot punch, just as you would with aluminium.

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Re: Can't find any small workshops in London with a pillar d

Post by Hitch »

How many people that have commented on this have actually ever tried center punching and drilling stainless.. :roll: Still, a mechanic, and a fence builder, and a plumber, they no their stuff when it comes to fabricating stainless steel :wtf: :wtf:

You can cut it, drill it, bend it, punch it, hydroform it, spin it, shear it, mill it, turn it, weld it, all fairly easily.
Its only stainless :roll:

Punching isn't an option as far as i can make out- how would the die be located inside the tube?

A tube laser would be an option, if you were making new stands, once the base is on it, and the top, it will be too difficult.

I still think a mill and slot drill will be the easiest method, save all the filing.

Other option, why not have some brackets punched out or laser cut, and Tig welded on?

Mind you, i'm only a metal fabricator, so probably know less about it than a plumber/mechanic/fence builder.
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