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Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:16 pm
by Tomwardframer
Guess I'm a trademens eh?? For the sake of 2/3 extra timbers I'm happy and the client.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:30 pm
by steviejoiner74
A tradesman..... That would use an extra 30% timber on a stud wall for no apparent reason other than cost the customer more money :shock: The rest of the timber frame world is doing it wrong then Tom! Stick them in at 300 centres the next time,give the customer an even better job :lol:

Seriously why would you frame a stud wall that did not structurally need it at 400 centres and not 600 centres? :scratch:

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:57 pm
by Tomwardframer
That's were we usually tell the customer we're doing it this way because it is better..! They usually turn around and say I want it doing properly so we do!! The framing done nowadays is shoddy worked on it for years on persimmon sites..... Think we're on a different wave length.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:22 pm
by steviejoiner74
Why is putting more needless studs in better??

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:36 pm
by royaloakcarpentry
Plus 1 for 400mm centres on timber stud work. That is how I was taught and City&Guilds taught it. I use metal stud and track for walls now lol

Mind you, City&Guilds made us let the studs into the plates.

If you go back even further in time, you never used to fix top and bottom plates it would be one or the other which was fixed.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:42 am
by steviejoiner74
What benefit has 400 centres on a non load bearing wall?? Someone tell me!!

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:37 pm
by 182michael
steviejoiner74 wrote:What benefit has 400 centres on a non load bearing wall?? Someone tell me!!
None. Most of the 6x2 kits we do are specced at 600 centres. 4x2 cls kits at 400 centres :cheers:

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:14 pm
by Wes

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:05 pm
by steviejoiner74
182michael wrote:
steviejoiner74 wrote:What benefit has 400 centres on a non load bearing wall?? Someone tell me!!
None. Most of the 6x2 kits we do are specced at 600 centres. 4x2 cls kits at 400 centres :cheers:
Correct Michael,unless spec by engineer or architect or load bearing 400 centres is a waste of time and money. :thumbright: or maybe every timber frame company and the engineers and architects that design these building are doing it wrong.....

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:43 pm
by Tomwardframer
I just do things correctly!! Extra 2-3 studs it's hurting anybody looks a strong decent jobs most other trades come on site and say "hey these lads arnt bad"

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:47 pm
by ayjay
Regardless of whether it's load-bearing or not, I've very rarely been asked to do studwork at 600 centres, (just the occasional cheapskate), anything done to drawings has always been @ 400 centres - (usually I don't have much time for architects but I think they get this right).

When I have to do a trussed roof at 600 centres I have to put extra noggins in to support the p/b ceiling - OK so it's horizontal rather than a vertical stud, but a ceiling @ 400 centres doesn't need the extra noggins.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:19 pm
by steviejoiner74
Tomwardframer wrote:I just do things correctly!! Extra 2-3 studs it's hurting anybody looks a strong decent jobs most other trades come on site and say "hey these lads arnt bad"
You have still not given 1 reason why 400 centres is needed? "Looks a strong decent job" or "hey these lads aren't bad" is not a reason.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:23 pm
by wine~o
:dunno: I always do mine @ 450mm... :hiding:

You do realise I'm joking here...right??

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:25 pm
by royaloakcarpentry
Good job I didn't slag the job off for only having one row of noggins instead of two ha ha ha

That would have created more tomfoolery.

I haven't a clue when the 600C's came in. never done it, never saw it on site, wasn't taught that way at work or college. never seen it in any of my many books. My many books do point out the incorrect way or lazy way so when I get access to them I shall have a gander amongst them to see if they mention anything.

My gut feeling is that new build being new build, they follow there own cost cutting agenda. The major players save X amount on a development by using less timber, that equates to more profit. It certainly doesn't make the house £300 cheaper for the new owner to buy!

They also plough money back into the system (with the obvious tax breaks) and you can bet that any change was brought about by corruption. They are more corrupt than an undercover corruption officer at a corruption convention up North.

Re: More studwork etc

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:33 pm
by steviejoiner74
I think a lot of you guys doon sooth do 400 centres to accommodate running wall sheets horizontal which I find strange as well. Anybody got a proper reason for 400 centres over 600 yet :dunno: