As you imply, it's not knowing when to get in to shares that matters as much as knowing when to get out.kellys_eye wrote:It's not by virtue of proper investment or productivity that share prices are soaring - this is manipulation pure and simple. Many countries economies (perhaps the greater majority if not all) are seeing GDP increases in fractions of 1% and many even negative yet somehow share prices are rising? Not just rising but SOARING. Unbelievable. How does that work if both GDP and shares are supposedly linked?
Energy prices are rising? But the cost of energy has never been lower (coal, gas, oil prices etc) so the electricity price must be being 'forced' higher by other means - taxes, subsidies etc. You can't maintain share growth by constantly pushing up the prices ARTIFICIALLY as this creates the 'bubble' that is well talked about and all bubbles burst.
If you're wise and get your money out before that bubble bursts then good luck. Someone - MANY 'someones' - will not manage to do this and will end up considerably worse off than they started.
Besides being 'up 28%' is meaningly without context. £1 invested and 28p returned won't give you a great lifestyle. But £100k? £1m? - not a lot of people can do that........
You need a cold analytical mind to do that.
No good being "In love" with one idea or business.
And I'm with you in that this thing is a bubble.