I'm with Plusnet, and have had OpenReach out a couple of times over the years with line faults with the warning from PN about charges if the fault is on your side. As others have described I've done everything I could, both with and without the help of their tech people to make sure it was a fault in the BT lines.sheilamary3 wrote:Thanks all.I fully understand that they need to charge for journeys they shouldn't need to make. Call me cynical but I was concerned that they would still charge me even though I have done all the above checks.I wouldn't have any way of knowing if they were just trying it on!!
I've never been charged. I asked the one OpenReach guy who came, and he seemed to think it was pretty rare to get charged.
FWIW I was pretty cynical too the first time, but what else can you do at the end of the day?