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Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:09 pm
by blakes
ultimatehandyman wrote:Good luck with it :thumbright:

Splashbacks are normally fairly easy!

Can't wait to see the pictures :thumbright:
Thanks! Its the other walls I'm bothered about - at least with the splash back I know where to set off!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:02 pm
by Tryanything
Hi blakes
looks like with the size tile you are using instead of starting with a centre tile start with a centre joint then you wont have any cut tiles to the cupboards either side of the extractor

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:13 pm
by blakes
Ok, I need some advice on starting points for these two walls please:

I'm assuming that I should start in the centre of the wall where I have marked on this one?


Now with this one (I'm hoping you can see either end ok) I'm not really sure at all. Help!


And finally...! When tiles meet on an internal corner should they be fixed in place like so (yeah I know the gap isn't the same width all the way up!)


Or should one tile edge be hard up against the wall?

Also - don't leave un-sheathed blades in the bottom of your toolbox. I did as you may be able to see from the picture. Reached into it to get some pliers, scraper (with brand new blade) was sticking up, sheath had come off the blade, sliced my finger right open. Bled like hell. Now I can't pick my nose. Or fire my guns. Gutted.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:22 pm
by ultimatehandyman
On the walls that you have pointed out the starting point is not critical, like it is with a splash back, the best thing to do is lay a row of tiles along the bottom of the wall and just make sure that you will not be left with any really difficult cuts.

In the corners you should make good use of them and hide the cut edges of the tiles on one edge.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:42 pm
by Only-Me
Also.........On the second picture.........the one with a shitload of plug adapters on the sill :wtf: centralise the pillar in between the windows.......and then work from there into the corner.

If you have an end run of units.........start at the end and work into the corners :thumbright: