I’m hoping it will go into the dustbin like X Factor. Mrs d’A watches it avidly, despite admitting that it’s probably a fix. It seems to appeal mainly to women and blokes who aren’t too bright. Same with all the “talent” and “reality” shows. Most things seem to be good for two series at most and then the “contestants” are just people desperate for fame.
The main channels don’t seem to care about the quality of their programmes as long as they get high ratings. For the commercial stations it means they can charge more for advertising and for the BBC it means they can justify the licence fee.
One of the things I like about services like Netflix is that they seem to produce stuff of higher quality and if something is crap they just stop making it.
People vote with their feet with Netflix etc., but we’re stuck with the BBC. I really enjoy some BBC stuff, e.g. David Attenborough and things like that, but I’ve really gone off the rest of it because it’s far too P.C. I don’t even watch Countryfile nowadays because most of the tick-box presenters are dire at… well… presenting.
I can’t remember the last time I watched anything on ITV because it’s either total rubbish or it’s presented by incompetent people. I watched a couple of episodes of the revamped Gladiators because I fancied the deaf reigns-playing bird but the unfunny Bradley and untalented Barney Walsh put me off watching any more.
I’m spending more and more time reading and less time watching television.