Bosch PMF 180 E

Bosch power tool review in here please.

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Post by Fats »

Saved me a journey there Skiking :thumbright:

Now i know people have got them for £20 im reluctant to pay top whack for one.. :cb

Ill try the ashton-u-lyne branch this afternoon...ill let you know if there was any and how much ill let you have one for. :lol:
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Post by Bludall »

I just phoned our B & Q warehouse and they're still £60! :cb
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Post by Hoovie »

skiking wrote:Just been, none :cb - same for Stanley Green :cb

Although they have the L-ion Bosch Screwdriver for £30
The Good news ....

B&Q Warehouse Exeter have about 18 in Stock :thumbright:

at £60 a pop :cb

Stil a good saw for the money- I reckon the £20 must have been mistake by the store manager! Misheard "£20 off" as just £20 for sale :scratch:

Oh - and that Bosch Li-On Driver .... £27.61 in Exeter :lol:
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Bosch PMF180E at B&Q

Post by peterm »

Sorry chaps, I see a few of you have had fruitless visists to B&Q! Having seen the price of blades ( thanks for the link ultimatehandyman ) it looked cheaper to buy another complete kit for the spare blades so I phoned B&Q in Taunton and they've sold them all! I guess you just had to be there at the right time.
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Post by Hoovie »

I asked the checkgirl to match the price that you got from Taunton and she phoned "hardware" ....'got a customer here who says they are selling drills in Torquay for £20 and can we match it" :roll: :lol:
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Post by Neggy »

By coincidence I was in the Taunton store looking for these on Thursday, hadn't even read they were £20 quid, missed them by a day gutted. They had bosch laser measures for £20 as well, usually £80, I paid £60 for one last year :(
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Post by Hoovie »

Does Taunton have good deals quite often?

MY Local B&Q have a big sign by all their power tools....

"Clearance" and "Everything must go" - why? are they getting out of the power tools market? :scratch:
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Post by Neggy »

I don't know that they have deals more than anywhere else really. I asked they guy and he said it was all the left over Christmas stock they needed to get rid of, as all the summer stuff was arriving now (hoses, gardening, pressure washers etc).
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Post by gari189 »

the pmf180e is £41.07 delivered from

Just search for pmf180e and it should come up - they also do blades as well £6.99 for the plunge ones.......
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Post by Handy Angie »

Well its like 3 weeks before Valentine's day and Im having my Sunday treat with UHM walking around B&Q. They have a counter where they show live demonstrations of power tools. Well as Im striding on past as there was no demo going on Chez grabs my arm and I could see he was getting all excited. No there was no blonde walking past, his eyes were lighting up at the tools! He points and says in EXACT words " I see they have got these back in stock now....I wanted one of those". So being the perfect bird I make a mental note and think I will buy it nearer the time for Valentine's day. So on Monday this week as the day is approaching I take myself off to B&Q. I walk to the demo counter and boy does it all look different now! All I can remember is that it was green and had triangles! So that narrowed it down to Bosch but the triangle bit had me stumped! So up and down the power tool aisles I go...and go...and go...and go. Do I see anything that jogs my memory NO! I give in....I try and ring him...he does not pick up he is at work! So I make another few trips up and down, down and up! I then pluck up the courage to look like a muppet and approach a sales assistant who asked if I was ok. I was like No! Im lost in B&Q! I said all I need to buy was a green thing that had triangles with it. So he starts with the probing questions such as what job does the man do? What job was he on when he said he wanted it? Questions I could not answer as we were just walking past it one Sunday when he said he wanted one! So he shouts over to his mate but immeadiatly says this is what you want - and holds up the Bosch PMF180E. It was green and had triangle things with it. So that was it. I paid £60 and went off smugly knowing I had bought what UHM wanted. EVEN though I had always been told NEVER buy my power tools for me! But what was the problem here? He had said he wanted one and I had bought the exact one! So last night (we celebrated a day late due to his work committments) I have the tool stashed in the garage with a box of beer and I sneak it in whilst he is upstairs! He comes downstairs Well.....I never! The language! Turns out when he said he wanted one he didnt mean he wanted one. It meant he already had one! I know it was a few years since I left school but in my day I wanted one meant I wanted one. NOT I wanted one but I had already bought one 2 months ago! And that if I went on the forum I would have read all this talk of this tool for the last 2 months! If only I could ever get on a computer with h im around AHHHHHHHH. So guess where I am off to today???? B&Q for a refund! Last time I buy a tool for a tool ha ha! ::b
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Post by skiking »

And your point is :lol: :lol:

I'll buy it off you for £30 to save you the trip to B&Q :wink: :lol:
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Post by Handy Angie »

My point is men say one thing but mean another!!!!

errrr but what about the shoes Ive got my eye on ha ha?
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Post by ultimatehandyman »

No there was no blonde walking past
There was, but you never saw her :wink:
his eyes were lighting up at the tools! He points and says in EXACT words " I see they have got these back in stock now....I wanted one of those".
Exactly I wanted one, but don't want one as I already have one!

So being the perfect bird I make a mental note and think I will buy it nearer the time for Valentine's day.
I agree you are a mental bird
So on Monday this week as the day is approaching I take myself off to B&Q. I walk to the demo counter and boy does it all look different now! All I can remember is that it was green and had triangles!
You were lucky that they did not sell you a delta sander.

So that narrowed it down to Bosch but the triangle bit had me stumped! So up and down the power tool aisles I go...and go...and go...and go. Do I see anything that jogs my memory NO! I give in....I try and ring him...he does not pick up he is at work!
I wasn't at work, I was on my computer and that is more important than answering the phone.

I paid £60 and went off smugly knowing I had bought what UHM wanted.
Erm, not quite! I was expecting something more romantic.
EVEN though I had always been told NEVER buy my power tools for me!
You just don't listen do you!
But what was the problem here? He had said he wanted one and I had bought the exact one!
I wanted one months ago and so I bought one from Ebay. If you think back you will remember that I ordered one from screwfix for saturday delivery and you waited in for it and it never turned up. I then cancelled it and bought one from ebay, If you think back you might just remember me showing it to you.

In fact if you think back about two weeks you may remember me using it in your living room, or you may have seen it when it was in your hall way for a week.

So last night (we celebrated a day late due to his work committments)
Actually it was a day late because of your college commitments.

Last time I buy a tool for a tool ha ha!
Good, maybe next time when someone tells you not do do something you will listen to them :wink:
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Post by Hoovie »

You two could be the next Richard and Judy with a show on Channel 4 :lol: :thumbright:
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Post by Bludall »

They sound like a married couple Hoovie! :lol: Sweet. :thumbright:
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