big-all wrote:i am in the same predicament although less so as i dont have any noggins ... hop003.jpg
my plan is 3 good coats off preservative then topped up with 2 coats every 5 years or so
inch between wall and breathable builders paper 2 inch loft insulation then 12mm for walls and 6mm for roofs
to get propper ventilation will need around 40 vents visible from the outside or the inside
i am planning on taking my chances with just the wood breathing and if any damp appears i will check the areas watertight then bung a couple of 12mm vent holes top and bottom
Hmm. Thanks for the info big all.
As you say, it seems you have the same task ahead
(though the downside for you is your shed is rammed to the gills with stuff so you will have to do my nemesis and least favourite task....a clear out
I think the solution for me is to use the DPM and coat the inside of the shed and frame with it (staple it in and then seal with tape the staple lines)... then to wadge in my insulation and then plywood on top.
Im going to use some 10mm battens behind the DPM to give a 10mm air space in the cavity to allow air to circulate.
Also, as you say, Im very confident the T & G will be able to breathe anyway so it should be fine I think
im not sure I follow your '40 vents' theory??! did you mean 4?
thanks The Weegie
Sounds like a bit of a nitemare but at least you have caught it early...
All being well if you use the methods and buildup we have discussed on this thread then hopefully it will be dry as a bone! (Im crossing fingers mine is anyway!)