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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


Thanks wine~o; yes I do hope Monte gets a kind caring owner and not a tyre screaming boy racer. :thumbleft:

Perhaps DWD there is some psychology in adding such prices because it confuses customers who as you say would expect the price to be rounded up and then they can visualize it; getting ones head around £8,391 takes some juggling with? :scratch:

Bron and I are still paying the service contract on Monte which I had forgotten about due to my recent enforced hospital stay; next week I'll contact DMK to get the contract cancelled and perhaps a new service contract drawn up for the Yeti?

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by dewaltdisney »

When I changed cars Lookers simply transferred the service scheme over. The accumulated fund was carried over and it reduced my monthly amount by about five or six pounds a month because the new car had just been serviced. I am sure that your dealer will do a similar thing for you. :thumbright:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by The man with no aim »

Col, I too used Carwow when looking for my last car. it saved me nearly £2k on a brand new factory order Octavia, like yourself though I just got a local dealer whom I'd already done a test drive with to match the best Carwow price. That was back in Dec 13 with the car being delivered for the 1st of Mar 14 and I've had no prolems with it, I'll be looking to change it next year and will probably ue Carwow again.

Glad to hear you both like the Yeti

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


Thanks DWD. I visited DMK yesterday to transfer the service plan but absolutely no luck; I left details of the previous Monte and our new Yeti plus phone number. At around 6 o'clock last night DMK phoned to say they were unable to help and that I would have to contact Skoda direct which really surprised me because it was DMK who set the service contract up two years ago; I was further informed that I might owe some money due to the way these contracts work? The first service is cheaper than the second service and as Monte had just had its second service the figures would need working out; I couldn't be bothered phoning Skoda so I sent the details by email and now await reply; what a palaver; I've certainly not cancelled the standing order because whatever the contract I'll honour it from our end. I'll never take out "Gap" insurance again at a dealers because its a rip off; our Yeti is brand new so in the unfortunate event of it getting written off it has dropped little in value but as I'm with LV I'll inquire as to their quote for gap insurance but I won't be taking a three year contract as we did with the Monte; with still ten months gap insurance to run on Monte we don't get a penny refund and on top of this Skoda offer a measly three year warranty? We should receive a refund of road tax though because the Monte had been recently taxed at £140 for the year?

Thanks Tmwna; I found using Carwow to be brilliant; DMK were really pushing the £1,000 towards finance plus £750 fuel deal which I'm sure many customers at the VIP event must have thought a top deal when in fact it was poor? By producing the lowest two carwow quotes it made a tremendous difference; yes we bought a pre-registered Yeti but this was much higher spec with around £4,000 saving taking into account the metallic paint and paint protection etc. DMK are not perfect but good enough for us to be repeat customers and I'm sure if we trade in again it will be with DMK. One thing about knowing carwow prices is that you already know the maximum you are going to pay so any less is a bonus; it then comes down to trade in value of your current car so it pays to browse "Parker's" for a realistic trade in value which I did. Yes Bron and I love the Yeti.

After Bron being too ill to accompany me to sign up for and to collect the Yeti we've both now got over our dreadful cough and cold; last week I was carted off to hospital as an emergency in the ambulance; Sunday after collecting the Yeti it was our 40th wedding anniversary; absolutely everything that could go wrong went wrong. This morning we've broken clear of all the problems; our cough and cold now gone; me thankfully just about fully recovered; Bron with a wad of money I gave her for our anniversary we set off in our new Yeti it only having 120 miles on its clock; WOW we survived a trip to Meadowhall; Bron is cheered up having spent a few bob including buying a pair of new trainers and ordering and paying for new Pixie boots from the "Hotter" store; we both wear Hotter footwear. We are visiting friends in Cottingham near Hull on Friday and I'll take Bron for more well deserved retail therapy to Boundary Mills in Colne next week. Time we put all our troubles behind us and head for the horizon?

This Yeti is an absolute joy to own and drive; fuel consumption is amazingly good; due to average 50mph speed checks for miles on end down the M1 the Yeti was showing highest reading of 68.4mpg. I don't know how accurate these figures are but it brought a huge grin to my face. The ride in the Yeti is just so much better than the skateboard ride in our previous Monte; we loved Monte but with it's rubber band very low profile tyres and sports suspension our obstacle courses referred to as roads punished the Monte badly. The Yeti with it's fat tyres bigger size and more weight is like riding on a magic carpet by comparison; it's also brand new. In 5th gear at 50mph down the motorway driving the Yeti was effortless; it will be interesting on Friday if we can hit 70mpg on a decent run? The Yeti sleeps out hence no more daily washing and drying the Monte; this frees up the entire garage for me to play in; when I do wash the Yeti I think I'm going to need my low steps in order to reach the roof center because its a lot taller than the Monte. I played with the "Bluetooth" just for fun trying to familiarize myself with all the technology on-board; I switched my mobile phone on and let the Bluetooth search but it just killed itself laughing; my mobile cost a massive fiver about five years ago it being brand new through eBay; what a surprise the Yeti is still laughing? Parking the Yeti is a doddle with its rear radar. I started to read the Yeti owners manual but my eyes glazed over; no longer do I switch on a car radio to get about three stations which fade like mad; radio's now really are complicated and touch screen is new to me; the duel climate heating is something else to get my head around. What a delight though our Yeti is. :huray:

I've rambled on enough and dinner is ready; after dinner it's time I got something useful done. :thumbleft:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by dewaltdisney »

The garage Gap policies are a rip off. This is a firm we get our gap insurance from It might be worth getting a quote Colin to see the price difference :thumbright:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by The man with no aim »

Col. beware of the on-board computer calculated fuel averages, they ain't all that accurate, try if you wanna keep/share your fuel averages & if you wanna find out some more about the Yeti take a look at loads of helpful members and handy info.

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


Thanks for the gap link DWD much appreciated; I've just obtained a quote via the link at £128 for three years cover of over £12,000. This is very reasonable; I'll have to dig out the Monte gap insurance to compare prices but I know the Monte was expensive.

Thanks Tmwna; yes I wouldn't fully rely on the Yeti average fuel consumption readout as very accurate but it is interesting to see how it changes during a journey. The best check of course is fuel used against the mileage; normally I don't bother too much about fuel; if we are paying so much for a car then it makes sense to use it? Thanks also for the Briskoda tip; I'm "Fabcol" on Briskoda forum. :thumbleft:

Bron and I have owned cars which look to be doing marvelous regarding fuel consumption driving miles with the needle hardly leaving the full tank position only then for it to quickly head towards empty? The Yeti has done almost 200 miles since its first filling and shows three quarter full yet; I'll fill up on Thursday then I can get a more accurate reading; I normally check when we buy a new car just for interest then don't bother checking again; the car is going to use what it needs anyway?

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


I've just fueled the Yeti for the first time and I'm using BP Ultimate Diesel at £1.249 per litre. Our Yeti has done exactly 50mpg on the first calculation which I think very good indeed considering our mountainous area around Huddersfield.

Asset protection on the Monte was £399 which I believe is the gap insurance cover for three years and what a total rip off this was; with ten months still to run when we traded the Monte in not a penny refund? In order to prevent this in future Gap insurance by the year?

Another problem with the Monte is the three year servicing contract which I've finally managed to cancel this morning after a lot of hassle; DMK arranged the cover but DMK cannot cancel the cover? I emailed Skoda but didn't receive a reply so this morning I phoned Skoda and spoke to a nice young lady; it took quite a while to cancel this contract and to really add to the pleasure as soon as I started to talk to the lady tree surgeons across the road cranked up chainsaws; life can be so wonderful to me? Cancelling the contract isn't straightforward either; excess mileage if applicable has to be calculated and even this isn't easy because it seems like its calculated per day also there is a 28 day penalty for cancellation. Add only a three year manufacturers warranty and Skoda fair badly against competitors; it hasn't stopped us buying the Yeti which Bron and I love but it doesn't do Skoda any good either if they have such little faith in their product?

I hope this doesn't sound like a moan because when we bought the Yeti we were much better prepared and not rushed in to Gap insurance or a servicing contract which we'll never accept again through Skoda; too expensive and too much hassle.

When buying a brand new car its just so easy to get dragged in to buying lots of extras which bump the price up. This I imagine applies to all main dealers?

The Yeti with just over 200 miles now on its clock is just a delight; I'm still getting used to it but its so easy to drive and comfortable. We loved our Monte but the Yeti is a wonderful replacement. :huray:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by dewaltdisney »

I think that £128 Gap insurance is very reasonable. It is a bit like travel insurance, it will last for the duration of the policy whether you travel or not and if you do not go away there is no refund. But, it is worth it should the worse happen. The big value loss on a car is during the first years and if you opt for back to invoice Gap insurance they will pay the difference between the insurance settlement and the price you paid for the car. I had a pal who had a two year old Merc that got nicked and was never recovered. He got paid £17k from the insurance but the Gap made it up to £34k, the original invoice price. So in this instance he was well in front of the game as he was able to buy a new car after having two years use of the original car and not suffering the depreciation.

On the service pack front I did not realise it was a Skoda deal rather than the dealership. My Lookers service plan is with them and I guess that is why it was so easy to swap cars on the plan. Skoda have not treated you very well at all Colin which takes a little shine off the deal. I hate all that sales pitch for polishing products and Gap. When I bought my car the salesman was trying to get me to watch a stupid video on his PC and I said I will go and get a coffee and come back when it is finished as I do not want either of your overpriced products. He was apologetic but he said he had to run the video as the company required him to do it so I walked off for ten minutes and looked at cars in the showroom.

Blimey, your fuel is pricey, I get Esso diesel for £1.10 a litre. I will not put supermarket fuel in my cars. I was following a Yeti today and thought of you and Bron enjoying your new car. :thumbright:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


Thanks DWD. I too think the gap insurance at £128 is very reasonable but I'll also try LV whom the Yeti is insured with just for comparison; as you say though when its needed its needed badly; hopefully I'll never make a total write off claim but these things do happen. The total in our case is around £23,000 on RRP.

Yes just to confuse the issue our servicing plan was with Skoda although set up by DMK? Even with the servicing plan extras were added so that if the Monte sneezed a nurse would sort it out; it's amazing how main dealers extract the last penny out of unsuspecting customers but in our case once bitten etc? Buying the Yeti though was different because I was a lot more street-wise; not only armed with the carwow best quotes but I also knew the least Bron and I would accept for the Monte in the end though DMK did well for us but only because we had done our homework up front; the Monte was a wonderful car so even had we decided against buying the Yeti nothing would have been lost but it's all worked out well in the end and Bron and I are happy.

Your Esso diesel sounds very cheap DWD at £1.10 per litre; I always ran the Monte on high octane BP ultimate petrol so now we have the diesel Yeti I had a look at what was available at the pumps at our local BP station and I had a choice of basic diesel or Ultimate diesel; I'm not to a few pence per litre so will continue to use the ultimate diesel in fact if this is similar to the ultimate petrol its supposed to give better mpg? A friend who owns a driving school many years ago used to fill up with petrol at Morrison's until his engine blew up this being the fault of the fuel and eventually he was sorted out but he has never ever since fueled up at a supermarket; I'm happy with BP even if it does cost a bit more. :huray:

I'm sure by now everyone on the forum will be thinking of Bron and me every time they see a Yeti? :thumbleft:

I've treated the Yeti to its first wash at home this afternoon; I even used a brand new chamois to dry it off; I love our new Tonka toy. The Yeti was supplied with a very large fancy holdall of car care kit; this is now the second such kit we have because the Monte was also supplied with a kit due to the Lifeshine treatment which was an extra but worth it; not many people realize a red car turns pink in the sun but this treatment prevents this happening and is why we had the Monte treated; the Yeti is black but I think the treatment still worth while.

I think it fair to say that anyone buying a brand new care of whatever make will love it; the Monte was a delight to own and the Yeti more so. If Skoda just went that bit further and gave a decent warranty period of say five years and stopped trying to rip new customers off then they would be world beaters because their cars are no longer the subject of derision but are now highly respected.

Our best friends who introduced us to Skoda two years ago have themselves bought a brand new Fabia Elegance have just signed up for a brand new Hyundai i30 which not only has excellent spec but comes with five years warranty and roadside assistance also the i30 comes with a spare wheel not a puncture outfit? Because Bron and I bought the Yeti pre-registered we ended up paying £239 for the spare wheel which was another rip off but I'll not drive without spare wheel on board. I can't grumble too much because the deal was still a good one.

Today I received notification from the DVLA that we are now clear of the Monte and something incredibly rare we actually received a cheque for £99.66 road fund license refund; its been nothing but pay out recently so its nice to get a bit back; the Monte cost £140 per year to tax whereas our bigger Yeti only costs £30 per year.

Now I can relax being well on top of the bungalow exterior painting its time to spoil my Bron who deserves it so much. :salute:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by getthewheelsinline »

Looks good Col! £399 is very expensive for £12k gap insurance. £128 is much more on the money. I just paid £199 for 3 years cover up to £20k on my new L200.

Anyway, glad you guys are on the mend & the renovation work is coming together nicely! [emoji41]
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Re: carwow comparison site.

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Many thanks gtwil for your good wishes; yes Bron and I are much better.

I can update a bit on the gap insurance. Many thanks to DWD for supplying the ALA gap insurance link; I've played around a bit with the ALA website and have emailed ALA for advice because ALA do two types of gap insurance and before I buy either I want to know which is best for us; the lowest quote for their basic policy was £128 but I think the quote for their more expensive cover at the same £23,000 was around £180 which still isn't a great amount? The gap insurance isn't actually to cover the full £23,000 it covers £15,000 so that in the unfortunate event of a total write off the LV comprehensive insurance would pay up but then the gap would pay the balance for a brand new vehicle.

I washed the Yeti yesterday afternoon for the first time and thought I was washing a bus; I had to use low steps in order to reach the roof center; I dried it off using a very large brand new top quality chamois leaving it streak free; having the Yeti sleeping on our driveway means I no longer have to wash and dry our car each time it comes out of the garage; I'm surprised the Monte still had paintwork given the many times I washed it over two years it became such a chore of a job. I'll give the Yeti a good wash once a week and enjoy the extra time pottering around in the garage. Rain is forecast for today which is a total surprise; I wanted to do more exterior painting; if I start painting it will pour down if I don't start painting the sun will take the Mickey all day? :pukeleft:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by The man with no aim »

Col. your friends are following the prices to keenly with the Hyundai, yes low prices but also, low/old tech.

If you take a look through some of the software (VCDS on Briskoda) modifications you can do to your Yeti you'll be amazed

Not sure what lights you've got on the Yeti but, a lotta guys on Briskoda will havealready don bulb upgrades making night driving easier has to be safer too.
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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by dewaltdisney »

Colin, it is easier to give ALA a ring they are really helpful :thumbright:

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Re: carwow comparison site.

Post by Retired »


Many thanks Tmwna for your welcome information. I'll have a look at Briskoda but our Yeti being so new has the daytime LED running lights and high spec lighting it being the SE L model. Bron and I seldom go out in the dark at night being retired we are free to travel during the day when its quieter. :thumbleft:

You are a gem DWD in recommending ALA; I tried phoning ALA last night but unfortunately they were closed so I sent an email enquiry. I've now received a comprehensive and informative reply email from Charlotte and have spoken to delightful Dawn on the phone; Dawn was hugely helpful and now for £128 the Yeti has three years gap insurance. The policy to suit us was for cover up to £12,500; I've always regarded the Yeti as brand new but as Dawn rightly pointed it is isn't new it is a pre-registered car having been first registered in April? The Yeti though had zero mileage on it having just been a showroom car.

What a massive difference between main dealer gap insurance cost compared to ALA gap insurance cost; both Charlotte and Dawn were wonderful to deal with and as a new customer I too will now highly recommend ALA to all our friends. Thanks once again DWD for tipping me off; very much appreciated. :salute:

Kind regards, Col.
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