Not worth a watch

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Not worth a watch

Post by oz0707 »

I saved my time and decided not to watch it. Last series wasn't great. As you saw dwd had potential to be great look at band of brothers.
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

I have seen Band of Brothers, an excellent series. I am slowly watching Masters of the Air at my son's house as he has Apple, one episode a week when we pick my granddaughter up. This WW2 series about a B17 crew is like a USAF version of Band of Brothers.

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Not worth a watch

Post by oz0707 »

Yeh I watched it the other month. It's good but no band of brothers. Relies a bit too much on special effects for me but how else do you show a scene with 100 b17s in battle
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

As there only six airworthy B17s left flying, five in the US and one here. They must have had at least one for close-up and internal shots, the air battle scenes are particularly realistic. But as you say CGI must have been used a lot but it has been done very well. I think that all bomber crews in WW2 were very brave men, it looked terrifying.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

I wrote in the Not Sure if it is Worth a Watch about a new series on Sky History that looked promising. Lost Women Spies on Sky History is a docudrama series based on women recruited by SOE in WW2 to go to France as couriers and radio operators. We have struggled through six or seven episodes and it was overlong with a fairly short story on facts stretched out into too many episodes. The actors are wooden, the main character is obviously a nonsmoker who awkwardly puffs on a cigarette in nearly every scene. The commentators are very earnest, over emphatic, and state the bleedin' obvious. It became a bit dull, short on content and one to miss.

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Not worth a watch

Post by Grendel »

On the theme of stories from WW2 I watched The Jewish Nazi that was shown on channel 4 a couple of weeks ago. Well I say watched but I dumped it halfway through. It was supposedly about a young boy who later became known as Alex Kurzan , a jewish child who was adopted as a mascot by a Latvian SS unit in 1941 when he was around 5 years old. The programme briefly covered him but it seemed to be more concerned with the arguments between the authors of books about him. It could have been an interesting programme but quickly became tedious.
Turning that off and having control of the tv I then tried a film I'd recorded on film4 called Zola. This was decribed as a dark comedy and supposedly based on a series of tweets and surrounded a stripper who turns to prositution . It wasn't particularly comedic in my eyes but what really turned me off was the constant street language with almost every sentence having "bitch" or "nigga" in it. It got grating very quickly and that got dumped too.
All in all not the best of nights...
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Mrs D wanted to watch Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix. It is a new series about a wellness guru who is a con artist. She leads people to believe she beat cancer with her diet. I found it boring.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

We started watching Mussolini - Son of the Century on Sky Atlantic. We lasted 10 minutes and binned it. In Italian with subtitles it was hard to follow and overly wordy. With such a poor start we could not face all eight episodes so dumped it.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Mrs D wanted to see the 40 years of Eastenders on BBC. We stopped watching in around 1988 I think, as the storylines had become stupid, repetitive, and implausible. You could clearly see this in the clips from the past but she ended up speeding through bits as it became woke and quickly dumped it after 20 minutes. God knows how this shite soap has survived for 40 years, the only reason it is still going is the license payers' money and a handful of simpletons who watch it. As the BBC has found out woke rubbish has killed off Dr Who as the viewing figures have plummeted, about time Eastenders got axed too. ITV are getting close to axing Coronation Street as that is sinking fast.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Mrs D watched Cops Who Kill With Will Mellor a new series on the Crime and Investigation channel. I was half-watching as I have previously commented on how poor these Mellor programmes are. This one was about Adam Provan a Police officer rape case. Will Mellor milks the case for all he is worth with him making many 'about to burst into tears' moments that were embarrassing. These crimes should not be trivialised in this way with him doing 'after the event inquiries' of 'experts' and witnesses. Cheap, shite TV.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Although I knew it would be dubious being the BBC, Mrs D wanted to watch Dope a new series last night. It is set in 1918 as WW1 is ending and as you might guess it is a total corruption of historical facts. The celebrations show a crowd made up of the united nations and bearing in mind this is still the Edwardian age where there were standards of dress and behaviour this is a terrible image from a writing team more interested in absurd woke themes than reality. The central story surrounds three women two of whom get into the illegal drugs business and one who becomes one of the first female police officers. As you can imagine white men are shown as bastards and the whole thing swirls around in a turgid mess by these stupid writers. Dumped, and the series link cancelled. it is utter shite. The only Dopes were us for watching it.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Remake series are seldom successful if you were around for the original. Bullseye is a classic example. Jim Bowen made the original series, and Flintoff lost it. This brings me to another remake we watched last night, a new series of Bergerac on UTV or something like that. I did not hold out hope and predicted to Mrs D that Jersey would now resemble Rourkes Drift with the casting and that the new Bergerac would be dull and useless. I was not wrong, the plot struggles, the lead is annoying, his kid is annoying, hell almost everyone is annoying. Even the weather was naff in this first episode. I am not sure if we will suffer another episode it is so poor. Why do they do this, the audience will not be Gen Z, it will be the older generation of viewers who enjoyed the original and will be turned off by this shite. Fail , Fail, Fail.

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