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Post by dave.m »

Take this link with you: ... bird.shtml

Setting up Thunderbird with Plusnet.

You could also download Win Patrol:

In the tabs is a startup Delayer where you could put his Skype and set it to start after about two or three minutes. He would be up and running by the time that kicks in and would probably not notice it starting.

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Post by thescruff »


The email is, do I do that or plusnet. :scratch:
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Post by dave.m »

When he joined Plusnet they will ahve sent him his email account details for POP3 mail, so set up thunderbird with those plusnet deatails.


Set up Thunderbird and Yahoo to get mail in Thunderbird: ... -for-free/
You must be a paid subscriber of Yahoo Mail Plus to use email programs like Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc., to access your Yahoo mail.
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Post by dave.m »

Unless he uses several computers at other places quite frequently, and needs to access his emails all over the oplace, then there is no advantage of using web mail over Thunderbird (other than he saves a bit of hard drive space by having his mail on the web).

If he still wants to use Thunderbird but have web mail, then get Googlemail.

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