My garage wall (single skin breeze blocks) adjoins the neighbour's retaining wall for their side access path. The gap between the two is 2-5cm wide, 130-150cm high, and 4m long. It's open at the top and the front of the garage, and over the years debris (leaves, crisp packets, stones and other gunge) has build up to a depth of around 60-70cm in the gap. This retains rainwater (which otherwise would run along the concrete base slab to a drain at the front of the garage). The hydrostatic pressure of this (I assume) forces water through the mortar joints into the garage near the floor level. I'm using dryrod and tanking slurry to waterproof the interior but I feel I need to stop the problem at source as well, otherwise it will eventually fail again.
So step 1 - clear out gunge, step 2 - fit flashing to prevent further debris ingress. Except I cannot find a tool that enables me to clear out the gap. A long pole from above doesn't work as there are stones and things wedged in various places preventing sideways movement. I tried a pressure washer, but the debris is too far down to get a decent water jet onto it, and it won't shift wedged stones.

I'm thinking what I need is a telescopic pole (up to 4m long) with some sort of hook on one end and a pulling handle on the other, so I can pull out the wedged stones from one end, as well as the soggy gunge. And it should be no more than 2cm wide at any point. Does anyone know where you can get such a thing? Or any other thinking-out-of-the box solution to this issue?
Yours in hope
The Gerbil