Pests coming in via cracks in concrete floor

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Pests coming in via cracks in concrete floor

Post by psybear »

Hi, hoping to get some help here. Posting in this particular subforum as I think this is related to a damp course issue, but please advise if it's better posted somewhere else.

I have a long-standing problem of insect ingress in my kitchen. We are talking millipedes and wood lice. The house is of reasonably modern construction, built about 15 years ago. The kitchen floor is lino over a concrete subfloor and the majority of the insects are getting in via cracks in the floor underneath the exterior uPVC door. I can see bits of what I assume is a damp course where the floor meets the door and there are small gaps at various points where this meets the door frame and the damp course material (see pictures).

I have tried sealing this area previously with silicone but it hasn't really helped. I've put down insect killer powder under the lino and sprinkled it liberally into the visible cracks. The insecticide means that most of the wee buggers die within a few feet of the door but it doesn't deter them coming in!

At some point I will likely tile the floor and I reckon a coating of latex leveller will be needed, which would probably sort the insect problem.

In the meantime I'd welcome any suggestions and advice re rectifying the issue.
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Pests coming in via cracks in concrete floor

Post by wes56 »

Clean off all sealants and silicone - use a sharp knife and spatula scraper.
Then reseal with silicone - use a wet, soapy finger to smooth off the silicone.

Check the outside of the sill for old sealants etc.
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Pests coming in via cracks in concrete floor

Post by psybear »

Cheers Wes, will try that.
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