Internal damp

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Internal damp

Post by PaulP »

My daughter has just bought a 150 mid terrace and there is some damp as in the picture, the walls are solid with some bricks laid at 90 deg, maybe this is called Flemish style so it’s a 9 inch solid wall, also outside this someone has bricked up a little square with soil in to plant a Rose right up against the wall, so I was thinking of removing the rose, take the soil out and fill with gravel and then paint inside with one of the special damp control, any thoughts, ideas or recommendations for the paint ??
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Internal damp

Post by dewaltdisney »

That does look like rising damp, is it a bridged DPC by the planting? You need to check this out carefully and establish the brick levels to determine if this is the cause. On a property of that age it is quite probable ot have a slate DPC. Sometimes these can crack in places and allow leech through capillary action. This can be sorted with a chemical damp course where you drill spaced holes and inject the chemical barrier, so it is not the end of the world if the planting is not the culprit.

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Internal damp

Post by wes56 »

Remove the skirtings on both sides of the corner.
Lift the carpet to expose the floor.
strip off all loose wallpaper.
Then post a photo of whats there.

Is the floor solid or suspended?
Where else in the property is there damp signs?

Outside take and post a pic of the exterior.
The odds are that the planter arrangement will have to go - all of it including brickwork so no refilling with stone.

It looks like a not uncommon mix of rising damp and condensation - but why damp or condensation is what you have to look for?
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Internal damp

Post by PaulP »

Thanks for the responses.
There are no other signs of damp in the house, but it has not been lived in for about a year, we get the keys tomorrow so we can strip and take more photos, the floor is concrete below the carpet.
If the outside planter is below DPC does it still need to go ?
I believe that it is a slate DPC and I noticed that the house next to it had a row of drilling’s just a few inches apart, so I guess they had the same problems
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