Fixings after Damp Proof Membrane

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Fixings after Damp Proof Membrane

Post by Gordy27 »

Hi all,
I have recently had some damp proofing work done on my flat, including DPM in the basement from floor to ceilieng. There were shelves built in, which need to be removed, and a curtain rail fixed to the wall.

My understaing from the guys that did the work is that the DPM should not be pentrated at all, and I would need to put up curtain rails and shelved with no more nails.

Is this correct? Is there any other way of protecting the DPM, and not voiding the guarantee on the work.

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Fixings after Damp Proof Membrane

Post by ayjay »

Could you put the curtain rails between the window reveals? Maybe with an expanding pole - not sure if there is such a thing for all curtains, but if using the big ring type, then shower curtains are often fitted with expanding poles.
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