Wooden plank subfloor damp before tiling

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Wooden plank subfloor damp before tiling

Post by conor333 »


Had a leak in the bathroom. Pulled up old tiles and old laminate type subfloor. Left with wooden planks on the joists. Some of them were quite wet and had a black layer on them.

We've dried them out now - are they suitable for reuse if dry? Do they need treated?

Also, if we use a backboard on top what is a suitable adhesive to bond the board to the planks?

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Wooden plank subfloor damp before tiling

Post by Wayne_Norcros »

It might be worth considering mechanically fixing (screwing down) the cement backer board down into the joists below the boards instead of just using cement based adhesive, you could use both if you wanted. This will allow for any potential drying shrinkage still to occur in the timber and is belt and braces. If you can use a 10mm cement backer board that would be best practice, but many people have success with using 6mm if needed, but you have to make sure you eliminate movement by screwing into the joists below at 300mm centres both ways.

Good Luck
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Wooden plank subfloor damp before tiling

Post by wes56 »

Show photos of floor when bone dry.
You cant lay anything over damp.

Water damaged wood (6" x 3/4" T&G) turning black is beginning to surface rot.
What had been leaking?
What condition is the ceiling below?
There's maybe been leaking from the bath rim and enclosure to behind the bath panel?
The thick band of silicone behind the taps is a remedial measure, something had probably leaked.
No silicone sealing can be seen on the outside of the enclosure bottom rail?
Backer board and tiles will raise the FFL.
Best tiling practice is to tile under the fixtures not up to them.
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