Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

I've been using a cheap old lidl parkside mitre saw for years. Pks 1700 I think. It's actually been great.

Can't trust the readings on it, but works fine with a seperate angle finder and decent blade. It's got to have been slugging away for over 10 years now which can't be complained at, and it gets used pretty ruggedly too.

Pal of mine just bought a new one and it doesn't look anywhere near as well built as this older one. Loads of plastic all over the place.

While I'm not a pro, I have done, and probably will do plenty of projects that need an accurate cut as well as more "rougher" framing type stuff.

I'm weary of the cheaper saws now as they all look like they will have a bit of play in them.

Can anyone recommend a decent saw for a reasonable price? Like under £200. 8 inch is probably enough but 10 could be handy, but then portabilty becomes a problem.

Can't stand Evolution tools. Had a circular saw that was the most inaccurate tool I've ever owned.

Other option is stepping up to a more "known" brand. Been looking at the bosch one for about 250 notes.

Any help will be appreciated.

Oh and in case anyone asks what I need it for, well all sorts really. Fencing, stud work, kitchens, flooring, skirting/architraves etc.. Cheers.
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by fin »

spend the money you know ya wanna.
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by oz0707 »

What about the dewalt 216mm saws. They do a couple of cheaper models readily available in 240v. Think someone did a review here once
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

fin wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:15 pm spend the money you know ya wanna.
Yep haha
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

oz0707 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:14 pm What about the dewalt 216mm saws. They do a couple of cheaper models readily available in 240v. Think someone did a review here once
I'll look into it. Cheers
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by arco_iris »

You can ignore the settings scales on cheap equipment and set it up for yourself with time & offcuts, that's what I do.

On the other hand, a professional joiner did a particular job for me using a Festool and it was quite clearly brilliantly accurate, get what you pay for?
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

arco_iris wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 9:23 pm You can ignore the settings scales on cheap equipment and set it up for yourself with time & offcuts, that's what I do.

On the other hand, a professional joiner did a particular job for me using a Festool and it was quite clearly brilliantly accurate, get what you pay for?
I think you're right. Certainly can't justify buying a festool though!
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by Chippo1 »

I used to have a Screwfix Erbaur , it was ok , noisy and not accurate , then a secound had Dewalt flip , which was good but not great as a table saw. Sold that.

Now have a Dewalt 717xps secound hand , came from a flooring company with supposed motor bearing failure, in fact was blade collars on backwards !, cleaned the flooring adhesive of it and it’s the mutts nuts, especially the XPS light system. I did adjust the indent plates in both axis and now get accurate square cuts with an 80 tooth blade very smooth to . £100 including a recently sharpened blade unused and a set of motor brushes.
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by etaf »

Why change if its working OK -
As you are not using for trade and looking at maybe saving time, (I'm just a DIYer) doing the checks , BUT i would still check anyway.
I have a dewalt DWS778 , but i still check the settings - blade square and parallel. And when i cut angles, i check usually just use the 45 and by cutting a scrap and test on a couple of squares etc .

I now use Saxtonblades for replacement blades - instead of Freud & Borch- for all my Dewalt tools now - multitool, circ-saw & Jig-saw.
They are good value and cheaper than having a blade sharpened.

my son-in-law has the Evolution Mitre Saw and Table Saw.
Evolution RAGE5S Rage 5-S 255mm
He is VERY Facidous with tools and accuracy, and has built quite a lot of furniture using it. Mind you he got it 2019 for about £250ish, and now the prices are just going up.

I can understand if you have had issues with the Brand why you would not want to go back to it, but not sure why you want to change , and i suspect at the moment getting tools for under £200 maybe a challenge , as i have seen my tools purchase in 2019 - now up by 40%+ The SMS was £399 now £574, Son-in-law RAGE5 £256 Now £312.
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by ayjay »

The Metabo KS 216 M looks like a good buy at under £120. I've not used one, but I have a few Metabo tools and they've never disappointed.

There's also a sliding version for well under £200.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Metabo+ ... C7DQj8ASgA
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by big-all »

its worth keeping in mind that whilst the extra 1+ 1/2" between 216 and 254mm sound fantastic capacity wise it will virtually double the saw weight and add perhaps 50- 75% to the price
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by dewaltdisney »

Years ago I bought a BnQ Performance Pro chop/mitre saw. It is battered and cracked now but it still cuts perfectly true and it is my go-to saw for most things. I have a sliding mitre saw but it is so bloody heavy it only gets used when absolutely necessary. My feelings are it does not matter what brand it is if it cuts accurately and it is easy to heft.

By the way Jim how did that post job go?

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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

etaf wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:12 am Why change if its working OK -
As you are not using for trade and looking at maybe saving time, (I'm just a DIYer) doing the checks , BUT i would still check anyway.
I have a dewalt DWS778 , but i still check the settings - blade square and parallel. And when i cut angles, i check usually just use the 45 and by cutting a scrap and test on a couple of squares etc .

I now use Saxtonblades for replacement blades - instead of Freud & Borch- for all my Dewalt tools now - multitool, circ-saw & Jig-saw.
They are good value and cheaper than having a blade sharpened.

my son-in-law has the Evolution Mitre Saw and Table Saw.
Evolution RAGE5S Rage 5-S 255mm
He is VERY Facidous with tools and accuracy, and has built quite a lot of furniture using it. Mind you he got it 2019 for about £250ish, and now the prices are just going up.

I can understand if you have had issues with the Brand why you would not want to go back to it, but not sure why you want to change , and i suspect at the moment getting tools for under £200 maybe a challenge , as i have seen my tools purchase in 2019 - now up by 40%+ The SMS was £399 now £574, Son-in-law RAGE5 £256 Now £312.
I re-read my initial post and realised I'd forgot to mention that it just died, hence why I'm looking for a new one. You are right, I wouldn't change if I didn't have to. I was trying (badly) to explain how the current version looks cheaply made in comparision
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by pompeyjim »

dewaltdisney wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:17 pm Years ago I bought a BnQ Performance Pro chop/mitre saw. It is battered and cracked now but it still cuts perfectly true and it is my go-to saw for most things. I have a sliding mitre saw but it is so bloody heavy it only gets used when absolutely necessary. My feelings are it does not matter what brand it is if it cuts accurately and it is easy to heft.

By the way Jim how did that post job go?

YcomparisionYes good mate thanks. In the end he said he didn't want the posts in the ground at all due to flower beds. I recommended against that, but the wall is only about 6 metres long with a concrete block built shed at one end and the extension of the house at the other, so I bolted it solidly to those 2 at each end then used m8 coach bolts into the wall. Seems really solid but only time will tell. I did warn him that of anything goes, it will be the brick wall due to the fence acting as a sail.
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Budget Mitre Saw, or pay the extra??

Post by etaf »

that it just died
oh OK< makes sense now , thanks

I have a fence along the side of house , where the post are not in the ground and bolted to a small single brick wall , and in a windy costal area, been up since my mother-in-law had it built in the 90's
Although Our Posts are only 6 bricks width apart , need to look at the post size , but i think its 45x65 , with extra posts bolted on to the wall
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