Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by richiepl »

Hi Col,

I've just acquired a Hydrovane 6 Compressor. It runs up fine and pressurises a cylinder but it seemed to get quite hot. When I removed the fan cover I discovered that the fan was completely missing. I talked to Air Equipment about a replacement but they were unable to help saying that the compressor is far too old and that the motor would have been replaced several time - trying to pull the wool over my eyes I feel. I stripped the motor housing and I'm pretty sure that the motor is original. Anyway, I've since machined a bush for an impeller type fan that I had kicking around. Not sure it'll work yet.

I had a quick look at the oil and it looks horrible - cloudy and pale (maybe over heated) and I'm very keen to change it and clean the filters etc before switching it on again. I note in your post that you have a manual in electronic form, can I pester you for a copy please? It would be very useful to help me service it and work out how to wire in a pressure switch (not part of the current setup!!)

Many thanks,

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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by dewaltdisney »

Colin is no longer a member but I am in contact with him. I asked home about your problem and this is his reply:

Yes I'd like to help regarding the Hydrovane but I'm no longer a UHM member so could you please pass on the following information with my compliments;

https://www.practicalmachinist.com/vb/g ... ndex3.html

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/123732669318 ... SwLSZb5uIn

I've spent quite a while looking through my records but seem to have lost the PDF manual which I'd have been happy to pass on saving a bit of money but all is not lost because I remembered where I obtained the manual and it's still available through the eBay link.

I hope this helps

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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by Job and Knock »

richiepl wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:24 pm... unable to help saying that the compressor is far too old and that the motor would have been replaced several time - trying to pull the wool over my eyes I feel.
Not necessarily. Could they have meant that the compressor is old and that they changed the motor used in that model several times during the production run? This is a commom enough occurrence in industrial machinery. Of course the manufacturer is no longer obliged to supply parts if more than 7 years have elapsed since manufacture ceased, so how old is the item? And does the motor possibly have its' own plate which indicates make and model? If so it may be possible to contact the motor manufacturer about spares
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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by moderator2 »

Original thread here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=75009 I have now locked the original topic. Thanks to DWD as I had locked the topic earlier after it had been reported by another member yet DWD was able to contact Retired and respond.
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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by Dave54 »

Job and Knock wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:44 pm
richiepl wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:24 pm... unable to help saying that the compressor is far too old and that the motor would have been replaced several time - trying to pull the wool over my eyes I feel.
Not necessarily. Could they have meant that the compressor is old and that they changed the motor used in that model several times during the production run? This is a commom enough occurrence in industrial machinery. Of course the manufacturer is no longer obliged to supply parts if more than 7 years have elapsed since manufacture ceased, so how old is the item? And does the motor possibly have its' own plate which indicates make and model? If so it may be possible to contact the motor manufacturer about spares
Yes it's common to see different motor makes on industrial gear. The motors are mostly exchangeable anyway. Standard sizes. I've seen several examples of that, even with kit supplied at more or less the same time.

Some motors "last for ever" some don't. I've got some really old ones here that don't look as if they've been rewound.
We had some really old motors in the steelworks where I worked long ago. One DC motor was 1880 something IIRC, still doing useful work 100 years later.
Try a local small rewinds place for spares for the motor. Some are really helpful. They might well be able to tell you who made the motor as well. Fans are pretty generic I think.
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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by fin »

ah hes a sound old fella is col. i used to do his head in going on about football to him cos he hated it so much :lol: :lol:
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Hydrovane 6 air compressor.

Post by richiepl »

Thanks all,

I'm sure it's more than 7 years old, no date plate on it though. The data plate on the motor is Brook Compton Parkingson which looks original as the cowling and electrics box mount haven't been messed with.

Best wishes to Colin.

I've found the manual on ebay - thanks for the suggestion.

The 'Heath Robinson' fan seems to work very well and now runs much cooler.

Service next and then hopefully many more years of service?

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