Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by oz0707 »

This has arrived today. Should make measuring up a lot quicker probably one of those tools you wonder why you never bought earlier?! Do any of the other people here use a laser measure? Any tips?

This model seems to have a few clever features but the instructions are a bit basic. It can do area and volume. It can do indirect horizontal distance, which seems to be if your cant take a flat measurement it corrects. It can measure height by using Pythagoras, ie point it flat at bottom of wall, then up on angle to top of wall, will give you height. Wonder where I would use this in real life? Wish they did a few videos actually...
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by fin »

ive got a leica disto... never worked out how to use the bluetooth part of it.

usually use it for studs or skirting boards sometimes or for like measuring up jobs
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by oz0707 »

They're cheap enough aren't they I can see it being a time saver on skirts. Chop chop
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by Job and Knock »

Another Disto user - no Bluetooth on mine. Pythag feature is handy for heights. Great way to estimate work measure quickly
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by dewaltdisney »

I have no immediate use for one but I want one now as it sounds like a great gadget :lol:


Update: I have just seen the price of the Leica ones and I think I will wait until the Parkside version comes out in Lidl :lol:
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by oz0707 »

Been using it this week. So much for 1.5 accuracy I was taking a few mm off the butt end of skirts as I was fitting. I've sussed out now whatever reading it gives me I knock a couple of mm off. Annoyingly it's all lambs tongue skirting here with only a 3mm top edge so you can't afford to take too much off else scribe won't cover!
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by Razor »

I use a Disto x3.

The Bluetooth is compatible with a few apps and with the one I have you can start in the corner of a room and it detects changes in angles etc so you literally go round the room zapping away and it draws the shape on the app.

Its a very useful tool when working but probably more useful in winning quotes as it looks like you know what you're doing :lol: :lol:
I think I'll take two chickens...
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by Dave54 »

dewaltdisney wrote: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:33 am I have no immediate use for one but I want one now as it sounds like a great gadget :lol:


Update: I have just seen the price of the Leica ones and I think I will wait until the Parkside version comes out in Lidl :lol:
I've got a Mileseey D5 Walt. 70m +/- 2mm accuracy. They're around 30 quid on Amazon. Built in electronic level, and will do Pythagorean calcs for height etc.
Accuracy I've found is better than stated, at least on shorter distances.

Probably a waste for me really, but it's a great toy!
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Laser distance measure - Imex bullseye 80

Post by Job and Knock »

And our cat loves chasing the red dot...

OK so mot a USP, but a free add on!
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"The person who never made a mistake, never made anything" - Albert Einstein

"I too will something make, And joy in the making" - Robert Bridges, 1844~1930

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