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Is this ready to paint?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 9:27 am
by catfan331
Hi all, really need some help please.

Had our ceiling plastered Wednesday, 2 weeks ago. Was covering some quite thick artex so apparently had to be applied thickly.

It’s dried a lot since, but not sure if it is ready to paint?

Any help much appreciated - thank you!
A466E4A6-A03D-4216-A65C-FB8E5D242CBE.jpeg (315.59 KiB) Viewed 1690 times

Is this ready to paint?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:32 pm
by yartin
Didn't they try to remove sharp edge?

I had mine done several months ago, I was told either bonding then skim or remove sharp edges to near flat as possible then only skim which I did, was hard work.

Thick skim takes long time to dry. The colour should be light pink and uniform when fully dry. leave windows open. You say 2 weeks ago?! I guess they applied 2 coats at least or even 3, waiting for few hours between coats. Then again I am no expert, just saying what I saw when they did mine, 2 coats and 3 hours between coats.

Is this ready to paint?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:20 am
by Christian Taylor
looks almost ready to me just make sure walls are sanded evenly and then fill anything after the first coat

Is this ready to paint?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:51 am
by wes56
Hard to know what to say because the photo isn't very clear, but it looks like a very poor job if a plasterer did it.
Skim properly applied in two coats with min water dries much more evenly than that.
For instance, the outside corner skim bead has not been properly covered - its grinning through.
One way to deal with Artex is to first apply bonding and then skim over the bonding - which often lowers the ceiling by a good few mm's - lowered enough anyway, to need tape or scrim at the wall/ceiling abutments.