Metabo mitre saw ks216m damaged help needed

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Metabo mitre saw ks216m damaged help needed

Post by ivenhov »

Hi all

I recently purchased KS216M version 19216380 and after several days of use a small piece of wood went under the blade guard.
Luckily there was no injuries but the fragment damaged the guard, along with COVER DUST COLLECTOR (35) and and the bearing (49) numbers as on the pictures attached

I've already purchased necessary parts and installed it but I have some trouble with correct installation of the SWIVEL LEVER (21) so its top bearing slides on the blade guard.

Mine is currently in the position as on the picture, which I'm pretty sure is not right.

I would appreciate if someone could send me some pictures showing correct position of the lever with the guard fully on and off, when there is no blade installed, so it's clear how lever engages with the guard.
Any help on this matter would greatly appreciated.

IMG_20210921_225443.jpg (311.32 KiB) Viewed 922 times
csm_619216xx0_50199a_03__01_d0a0a16a67.png (280.14 KiB) Viewed 922 times
csm_619216xx0_50199a_03__02_7838406513.png (221.97 KiB) Viewed 922 times
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Metabo mitre saw ks216m damaged help needed

Post by ahfix »

This is a very specific problem for a specific make of saw so not likely anyone will be able to show you what to do. Try searching you tube or call the manufacture ?

I will say this, I think the reason you broke the guard was due to kick back and poor use of the saw, search you tube on how to safely use a mitre saw. Had you had you face close to the guard you could have been badly injured.

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Metabo mitre saw ks216m damaged help needed

Post by big-all »

you seem to have a ball bearing sitting there between the "o" on metabo and the pivot ???
i would expect the plastic blade guard to be open at the bottom more so rotated anticlockwise perhaps an 1/8 to a sixth so the back off the guard lines up with perhaps the "a" or "b" off metabo but purely a guess so dont try forcing any thing but look for things lining up better around that point
we are all ------------------still learning
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