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and another thing.... or two

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:53 pm
by Deleted-user-3
so, missus house, "the council"...

kitchen sink is 3 feet from the boiler, admitedly at the other side of a 4" internal wall but 3 feet away.
Yet, when she turns on the hot tap it takes forever to get hot water from it...
seems to me that the pipework goes boiler -> opposite side of house in an airing cupboard which used to house a cylinder next to what was once a back boiler, -> then all the way back again...
probably about 15m of pipe.. infact never mind "seems to".. it does.
So i asked whether or not the lads could put a lil feed between dhw outlet of boiler and dhw pipework under sink 3 feet away being as the only other thing in the way is actually the washing machine space...
Was told.. "not in the budget mate"..
i cant and wont touch it... thats not my argument, its the wtf? of the pipework and the refusal to do anything or even address it that annoys me..

point 2
Her windows are draughty. Now when i say draughty i mean ive had 10 years fitting these things for various councils all over the country and ive probably seen most of the avaliable profiles during my time...
Its not the hinges. i WOULD have just changed them if it were and saved "the council" a load of money, but its not the hinges..
Neither is it the espags, or the cams, or the handle, or the beads...
its the gasket...
so you think just go grab a bucket of flipper for around 15 quid and change it right?
its co extruded...
no not just the beads, the bloody profile, you can see in the corners where the welding plate came down and welded the profile corner it welded the gasket with it and you cannot get it out...
which means i cannot change it..
it just shrunk and gone hard over time, thats what rubber does so just poor design...

but can you imagine what is likely to happen when i try and explain this to "the council"?

btw what exactly constitutes a draughty window? Well lets just say i take a tealight candle, you know the type and hold it within 2 inches of the gap.
It BLOWS OUT the candle, let alone flicker it actually blows the bloody thing OUT!
theres 3 windows like this (out of 5) and the front door really needs a new threshold..

I honestly try to think things through to make things as simple as possible but i find that when you do.... god help you..