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Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:14 am
by Tom d'Angler
For a couple of years I have been happily using Pro Dec Ice Fusion brushes. My only bugbear with them is they don't stick to the magnet in my Wooster Pelican scuttle so I'm looking to try an alternative brush.

What are other decs using at the moment?


Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:57 am
by dynamod
Mainly Rembrandt and the odd Purdy, though I've kind of gone off Purdy lately for some reason. I have a fair stock of brushes, so I tend to buy them rarely these days and often stock up during the sales.

On better jobs, the Coronas always come out. They are in a class of their own IMO, and possess a blend of guts and delicacy I've never seen in any other make. They are the most remarkable things.

I did try the Ice Fusion roller sleeves, and for all they left a nice finish, they were a pig to clean out, so went back to Purdy and Wooster.