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How Times have changed
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:32 pm
by dewaltdisney
Youtube often posts up random videos and I watched this episode from the early 70s of a sitcom that would send the woke brigade into a frenzy today I used to enjoy this show the scripts were amusing and the premise of the show with Reg Varney and Bob Grant playing an almost teenage role was cringe-worthy. I loved Arhurs cutting remarks, however, this is what the po faced miseries who run things now would never consider to be humour in this day and age. I would be interested to know if younger people find it funny?
How Times have changed
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:31 pm
by Someone-Else
I remember watching it first time round, as you say, times change. I guess it was mildly amusing then, but I don't find it offensive just not funny.
Likewise one of the channels was showing Kenny Everett video cassette TV show, I watched a bit of it, and gave up, again, not offensive, just not amusing, similarly I watched Dempsey and Makepeace, same thing, it doesn't hold my attention, but here is the odd thing, ITV4 were showing "The saint" with Roger Moore, I watch every one, more than once, and tonight on Talking Pictures TV 18:00 they have The saint in Black and white, never seen those, so I will be watching that.
I don't know why though. Good at the time, just not now?
Oh, you do know we have a forum member who is named after the inspector (even has hi pic as an avatar)
How Times have changed
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:11 pm
by Tom d'Angler
She was a real looker back then but, like most of us, she hasn't aged well.
How Times have changed
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:15 pm
by Tom d'Angler
One of the channel on my BT box has been showing repeats of In Sickness An In Health and 'Til Death Us Do Part. Unfortunately, all the non-PC words are bleeped out. Fortunately, I found you can find unedited versions on YouTube. Absolutely hilarious. The things Alf said were undoubtedly racist but the aim of the programme was to show that racists rarely come out on top. It was the same with Love Thy Neighbour. All the PC loonies are doing is preventing this message getting across by pretending there is no such thing as racism.
How Times have changed
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:06 pm
by big-all
there actualy was an interview with Alf garnet/warren Mitchel where he said it was taking the pee out off the racist and that's why it was so over the top