Confusing hot water boiler set up, need help programming

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Confusing hot water boiler set up, need help programming

Post by nalted »

Hello, some background: I am a novice at house related things, as im a 20 yr old uni student in newbuild uni house, with 6 other housemates (7 total). As of 29th October, our bills shot up like crazy, from an average of 17.25 kWh of daily electric usage, to now 56.9 kWh per day. We believe to have diagnosed it to be our water boiler. We are not sure why it suddenly changed on the 29th October, but we believe it for some reason is on all the time instead of turning on at programmed times. We know how to turn it off entirely, and how to turn it on, but not how to program it.

I have attached pictures of the set up so that anyone who may recognise how to use it may help. The only thing I can see that *might* program it is the ESI esrtp4rf+ thermostat, as its seemingly connected to the water boiler (in pictures), even though we have a separate gas unit for house heating, and even though online documentation specifies that the ESI thermostat is used solely for the central heating too. Other than that, we have no idea how it works and why it has suddenly gone insane.

I plead for your help, as our student house leasing company are terrible and ignore our cries for maintenance help, by the time it comes, we will be a few hundred pounds down again.
Note : The first picture is our Intergas Compact HRE 30 SB gas boiler, don't think its involved in this issue, but thought i'd attach anyways.
IMG_2824.jpg (242.54 KiB) Viewed 186 times
IMG_2823.jpg (166.21 KiB) Viewed 186 times
IMG_2822.jpg (205.43 KiB) Viewed 186 times
reciever and honeywell home module thing(not sure what it does)
reciever and honeywell home module thing(not sure what it does)
IMG_2821.jpg (161.89 KiB) Viewed 186 times
switch for boiler setup
switch for boiler setup
IMG_2820.jpg (106.41 KiB) Viewed 186 times
complete picture of boiler setup
complete picture of boiler setup
IMG_2819.jpg (187.99 KiB) Viewed 186 times
thermostat control
thermostat control
IMG_2818.jpg (120.52 KiB) Viewed 186 times
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Confusing hot water boiler set up, need help programming

Post by wine~o »


I have a very similar set up, not exactly the same. It would seem that someone has switched off hot water at the boiler, as a result the electric immersion heaters have taken over the job of heating the water.

I've attached a pic, press the circled "tap" icon once, you'll get a green light in the top arrowed section (timed HW) press it twice the lower green light will come on, (HW always on) I'd set it to HW always on given that there are 7 of you.

(If for some reason the led lights don't glow then you need to contact the landlord to get a repair booked)
IG Boiler.jpg
IG Boiler.jpg (61.65 KiB) Viewed 180 times
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