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repairing broken bench
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:55 am
by iainiow
ive got a nice garden bench that unfortunately has come across a bit of a break.
as you can see from the circles area in the pic, the back support that runs across the bench is damaged. the wood seems to have split almost through and causes the bench seat to flex at the back.
I would like to repair rather than replace if possible - any ideas?!
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:38 pm
by big-all
assuming the bench wont easily come appart easily try and source another bit wood the same sort
if you cant see another or arnt borthered about a match buy a treated bit the full length [outside]6mm taller[width] and 6mm thicker[height] affix to the back stepped down 6mm
recess the ends as nessisery so the wood sits flush to the back all the way accross
2 screws at each end countersunk and piloted then every 6" along the back again countersunk and piloted
another alternative assuming there is at least 1/3 thickness fully intact you could cut diagonals one each side to give extra support
this may or may not work dependant on dammage/rot involved!!
garden bench break
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:47 pm
by gentleman jim
Hi, if I were you I would fasten a length of timber the same width as the broken rail and screw and possibly glue it (using waterproof glue) counter sinking, possibly even hiding the screws with wooden plugs