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Corner Kitchen Sinks

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:44 pm
by speedway
Hi I am in the process of A new kitchen installation, with professional assistance in some of the tasks.(What are friends for? I'm paying a fair hourly rate though).
However the Boss has picked a lovely Carron Corner Sink which she wants fitting into a 925 corner base unit, my problem is that all the info I read on worktop joints scream at me NOT NEAR THE SINK!!
Its obviously done or corner sinks wouldn't be around so other than being very careful with liquid spillage can anyone offer any other helpful and practicle advice regarding the best way to deal with such a joint.

Thank you in advance

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:50 pm
by marc1106
:welcome: Speedway

im afraid the corner sink is best fitted to granite or solid surface where you can have a solid corner without a joint in it, i have had trouble in the past explaining this to a client so i turned the job down,

anyway if you joint a corner in laminate top, to install the sink you would lose the connecting bolts with the cutout for the sink, and only having 55-60mm front and back of sink you have no other way of holding the remainder of the joint together other than glue! Not a good way to joint a top especially with a sink over the top of it!

so if you can go granite and have a corner peice templated then GO FOR IT as i think they look great ! :thumbright:

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:59 pm
by speedway
Thanks for the advice marc1106
Bit disappointing really, the plans were looking good up till this point,
I'll have to sit and think this through and check the budget available.

Thanks again

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:41 pm
by joiner_uk
You can have laminate worktops with a corner unit.

You need a piece of 900mm deep worktop for the corner unit sink and just standard 600m for the rest

So long as the joints are done properly (masons mitre's) they will be fine.

You need at least 120mm from the sink cut out to the joint for your worktop bolts

The job is a bit tricky and you will need a router and worktop jig

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:10 pm
by marc1106
I can see your idea J UK but the Carron Summit corner sink is 850mm x 850mm equal L shape, and not many 925mm base corners are diagonal (as your drawing), so fitting this sink into a standard mitre IS possible BUT i wouldnt, as it seriously affects the intergrety of the joint!
but if they have a diagonal unit then yes all the way with you! :-)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:54 pm
by joiner_uk
It will work if the base unit is set as per drawing :-P

The joint will be fine ifr you go mad with the colourfill :shock:

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:14 pm
by Tryanything
Its not such a big problem with laminate worktops

Mitre the worktops across the corner and put in a support post to the
front and a supporting timber across the back of the sink

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:34 am
by speedway
Once again thanks everyone for there assistance, I can see were everyone's coming from here.

However the chap going to do the installation with me was of the same opinion as "tryanything" , it may be that we decide to give it a go.

Jobs held for a couple of weeks but I will report back on the outcome and let you know how it looks.
If it doesn't look right its only a replacement worktop prior to final decoration.

Thanks again

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:56 pm
by Tryanything
Hi Speedway

It will look fine

Make sure you use colourfill and mastic on the joint to seal it

Put the colourfill on last thing just before puting the joint together as it
tends to dry rather quick

Use a couple of joining plates to the back to keep the top edges flush

If you pre-drill the holes for the plates as shown, as you screw it up it will
pull the joint tighter together

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:58 pm
by i fit
No problems fitting a corner sink over a butt and scribe joint.
Bolt it up as normal and leave overnight. Remove the bolts (they're 50p each you know) and cut the sink out.
I don't know where your expected to put those plates in the above post though.
Don't bother with silicon if your useing colourfill. The colourfill acts as an adhesive as well as sealant.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:21 pm
by speedway
Thanks for all the advice
The job is now complete and the corner sink fitted with no problems.
The 925 L shaped unit came with a top attached which had a cutout larger than the worktop cut into it to allow room for the sink clips to attach to the worktop, this also gave added stability and strength. Fotunately at this point the worktop was fitted tight between two walls as bolts couldn't be used and a good amount of colorfil profided a watertight seal.

Hopefully this will pass the test of time

Many Thanks Again