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Spacers are showing through the grout in shower

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:32 am
by megapenfreak
Hi all.

Looking for a bit of advise. I noticed the other day some dark marks in the shower and got the brush to give it a good scrubbing. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the ground had worn through and the spacers are showing.

First question, do you think that joint is still sealed? should I try to fill it with silicon or re-grout.

Second question, what is the process to regrout with the spacer still there?



Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:23 am
by sparkydude
If there are just a few showing then your best bet is to remove them with a stanley knife or similiar and then just rub some new grout in over them, it will look very new but if that worries you then the only solution is to re-grout the lot, which is not a nice job to do. Or you could try one of those grout finishing paints shown on QVC or the like to blend it in.


Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:00 am
by ultimatehandyman
Hi Eric,

It is best not to use the spacers like that, it shows how they can be used more effectively here-
Tile spacers

I'd try and dig them out or cut them out before regrouting.

If you want to go to a lot of trouble you can cut them out, with one of these- Bosch PMF 180e and then regrout them- re-grouting

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:04 am
by megapenfreak
Hi guys....

Thanks for your advice... will set about to patch this up...
