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Attaching lean-to posts to the ground - how?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:01 pm
by OccasionalDIYer
Hello All,

I'm going to build a small lean-to, attached to the back of the house, as a log store.

From reading previous Topics, I've picked up the excellent idea of ensuring there are three compartments for "ready", "1 yr old" and "new" logs. But I was searching for advice on how best to attach the vertical supports (garden posts) to the ground - which in this case is c. 40 yr old tarmac drive, with lots of chippings coming loose every winter.

Just to clarify, I will bolt the two "rear" posts to the wall of the house; I'm not worried about how they connect with the ground, as the load will be taken by the bolts securing them to the wall. In fact they won't touch the ground, to reduce wet rot. It's the "other" two posts - the ones at the "front" of the lean-to, that I'm puzzling over. The load that they will need to bear is only the load of the lean-to roof (intended to be small rafters, ply or blockboard sheeting and felting)

Can I attach a base plate by drilling through it into the tarmac / ground? If so, what type of screws / bolts should I use?

Should I act as if I'm erecting a fence and drive post-spikes into the ground? I'm reluctant to do this as on the one time I've tried that, the spike twisted a little when being driven in. Not much, but enough to make attaching battens, sheeting etc problematic.

Are there other ways? I've considered trying to construct strongly framed sides so that the front posts are supported by the structure itself in a way that is enough to carry the (not particularly heavy) roof load. But I'm not happy with this, as I think the front posts would then feel loose - a bit flappy, if that makes sense. I'd like the lean-to to be reasonably "solid", so I think those front posts need securing to the ground

Anyway, all ideas very welcome.



Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:37 pm
by darrenba
I'd be tempted to use the concrete-in post supports if you don't mind digging a couple of small holes in the drive. ... -Pack-of-2

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:38 pm
by big-all
you could use metposts with spikes
dig a hole about 8 inches accross prop the metpost with 4" off spike showing and concrete in

if you use a bolt on metpost your relying on the path and its foundations to hold it down

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:17 pm
by Mooncat
Wooden houses use a galvanised shoe when support posts are fixed to concrete pads, they are adjustable with studs and nuts as the building settles. An ideal solution to your problem.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:19 pm
by OccasionalDIYer
Thanks for the advice - I think that you are right; I'll have to dig a small hole and concrete in a post support. I'll just have to be careful to align the support carefully when bedding it in the concrete mix.

Thanks again,


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:54 pm
by Tryanything
You should build a platform to keep the logs off the floor and allow an air
flow through the log pile to help the drying process

3 no 100 x 50mm sawn treated timbers laid paralell to the house and then
75 x 25mm timbers fixed on top at right angle with a 25mm gap between
each, then your front posts could be fixed onto the front of the platform

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:06 pm
by OccasionalDIYer
Thanks Tryanything (or is it Silver Hog?).

Yes, I was going to put the logs on cut-down pallets or equivalent, to keep them dry. But I hadn't thought about using that base as the support for the upright. So thanks, that sounds easier.
