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Steve Jobs
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:59 pm
by IDontBelieveIt
Quick note to wish him well and hope, for the sake of the entire computer industry, that he recovers from whatever is he has. A great man with a great vision creating great products for a great company (Apple Corp) in spite of pricks like Bill Gates.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:43 pm
by scot-canuck
Hopefully he does recover soon from his mystery illness.
of course the other side of the coin is that Apple is his own personality cult.
Given that Apple almost went bankrupt during his absence during the 90s
I dont mind Apple, I just think their stuff and Jobs is overhyped and overpriced.
I think Gates isnt exactly above board, but at least he does a lot of charitable work, oh and flys economy as "it still gets you there"
Steve Ballmer on the other hand is Mr
stories of him throwing tables etc abound many places.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:24 am
by asinine
Me thinks IDontBelieveIt needs to remove certain Steve Jobs body parts from his mouth. I also think the whole computer industry might make it through his death.
Theres always MS to bail apple out again if he doesn't make it.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:04 am
by IDontBelieveIt
What a prick, clearly someone who knows nothing about the computer industry.
MS could not bail themselves out let alone anyone else, load of rubbish. And example, Vista - The 'Wow' product. Well 'Wow' s right 'Wow what a pile of unreliable junk and that is what the MS retailers are saying about it. And, why is it that MS are coming out with Windows 7 so soon after Vista? Because MS know that Vista in junk.
I think Ashole, sorry asinine, ought to ask Bill Gates to get out of his rear end Asinine clearly know sod all about the industry.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:25 pm
by asinine
Obviously you don't know your history bud. Fact is it happened. ... A961958260
I hate MS which is why I use linux, couldn't care what you say about ms dumbass, I'll probably agree with you.
MS = rubbish software.
Apple = over priced and over hyped.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:30 pm
by skiking
Yeeze, guys steady on
Microsoft had a helping hand at the start 'cos some knob of a company developed DOS, got bored with it then 'gave' it to Microsoft - the rest is history.
Microsoft is complete sh*te, IMHO, develop cr*p, get the customer to test it and then take the money. They have also got a great marketing machine
Apple, great tradition (2 men and a shed) who inspired the GUI environment (altho' nicked from Zerox
) but kept at it but were played out by the dominant MS. They took a step back and re-invented themselves and got a great marketing dept and now they sell over priced, high end stuff - altho' their's tends to work
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:18 pm
by Stoday
Last time Steve Jobs left Apple, it nearly went down the tubes. Only recovered when they dug him up and put him in charge again.
With a bit of luck Apple will go this time.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:53 pm
by IDontBelieveIt
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:03 pm
by scot-canuck
as usual caused by people not applying patches as issued by vendor.
Same problems could happen to any OS if the user fails to patch the machine
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:09 pm
by IDontBelieveIt
scot-canuck wrote:
Same problems could happen to any OS if the user fails to patch the machine
Except OSX
and if there was a smilie with two fingers up in the air then Windows lovers would get it
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:09 pm
by IDontBelieveIt
scot-canuck wrote:
Same problems could happen to any OS if the user fails to patch the machine
Except OSX
and if there was a smilie with two fingers up in the air then Windows lovers would get it
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:17 pm
by scot-canuck
OSX is simply reskinned BSD
its underpinnings have little to do with Apple, more to do with Berkley University in the USA
Same things can be said about Linux also, strong secure..oh and you can run it on any machine you like, even a mac....shame Apple are afraid of retailing OSX....I doubt if it would work as well on a custom built machine.
I'm not a zealot for any OS, if I was it would be Ubuntu, simply due to the good support they have, the fact its free (speech and beer), runs on virtually anything and thus far it keeps getting better and better
(not bad for a distro just over 4 years old. Big leaps and bounds.
Cant wait for 9.04 aka jaunty jackalope
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:45 pm
by thescruff
I'm not a zealot for any OS, if I was it would be Ubuntu, simply due to the good support they have
Sad the british have come down to this.
They don't judge a product on how good it is, but on how good the support is because it's going to break down sooner than later.
Boilers are exactly the same, must have a Baxi because they have an army of engineers working non stop repairing them under warranty, if they got a decent boiler in the first place, they wouldn't need good support.
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:42 pm
by scot-canuck
Operating Systems aren't boilers. They are a damned sight more complex. A fair comparison would be a nuclear reactor NOT a home boiler. Home boiler equates more to a pocket calculator in complexity compared to an Operating System.
Plus given the myriad of hardware and software combinations out there, having support in case something goes wrong is the sensible choice.
There are a lot of Linux systems out there that have been running for YEARS, people don't turn them off as theres no need and a lot of them run applications which have to stay running all the time.
And for the record, at a computer security event out of a Macbook Air, windows laptop and a linux laptop, the only uncracked laptop was running Ubuntu. Prize being the laptop to keep. (linux laptop capable of running windows, worth as much or more than Macbook Air)
Oh and the first to fall? Macbook Air - Quicktime flaw left unpatched by apple for months (apple software).
Oh and Safari has had holes open in it for months at a time, without any patches. Just luck they were not fully exploited.
Apple won't retail OSX as it would simply bomb given hardware outwith the tiny pool of components apple use and they know it. Compare that to OpenBSD/NetBSD/FreeBSD which come from the same roots and are closely related to Apple and you see how much Apple has made a hash of the underpinnings to make it look pretty and shiny.
Anyone who uses an unsupported Operating System in business is mad. Apple, Microsoft and Linux Vendors all do support. Why? because they don't want people slating how hard their system is to use, simply because someone can't RTFM, so they offer hand holding for x period of time.
@ thescruff: not to be rude mate, but in this case your wrong for the reasons I've stated above. Macs do break, trust me I've seen how messy a flaky mac is; getting support for Macs outwith office hours is a PITA. Plus the internals are almost as bad as Dell for being horrendously laid out. Coupled with slave labour practices in PRC...not good. I custom build systems and I try to avoid stuff built in PRC due to shonky labour regs, Taiwan is ok, people have rights there, Also buy stuff from USA and Germany (Power supplies etc)
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:47 am
by thescruff
Don't think so Scot-canuck, I know fcuk all about the inside of a computer, much the same as 99% of the population, so I judge my opinion on what performs, and reliability, much the same as a boiler, you want quality it costs, get cheap you need good back-up.
I use Mac and Xp so get the best and worse of both worlds. Linux or Ubuntu, the later I've never even heard of so cannot comment on either.
I turn the MacBook pro on and within seconds it's up and running, it's reliable, never once has it coughed or crashed in 5years, it's at least 5 x faster than xp, and at least 50 x times faster when AVGfree is doing it's 5hr virus check
On the forums I normally use xp because I have all my manuals and information to hand, so it's easier to drop and drag stuff, for pleasure and business it's the MAc every time.