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a little advise on tiling levels

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:54 am
by dexbond
hello guys and gals,
i am new to the forum but could any of you experts give me some advise on tiling levels. what i mean is
if my ceiling level is not quite level do i tile from the ceiling or do i make a new line where the wall meets the ceiling with a spirit level to tile from and do i do it all around the room.
any help would be great
thanks dexbond

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:20 am
by lamntile
Hi dexbond welcome to the forum :welcome:

In answer to your question you would start from the floor and work up from a battern you have fitted to the wall. The position of this battern is worked out from how many tiles it will take to cover the wall with even cuts both top and bottom, After you have tilled the wall and the adhesive has set remove the battern and cut and fit the bottom tiles.

You do the same thing when working out your tiles going across the wall so you have even cuts in both corners of a wall.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:52 am
by dexbond
hi lamntile
thanks for the advise, that makes sense. i take it it is the same even if i have a brick border going floor to ceiling through the middle of the room.
just put the batten either side of the border? does that make sense
again thanks

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:12 am
by bathstyle
The border needs to be sited so that it looks right against window cill, shower valve and any other items in the room.

A plain wall and yes I would centre up the wall widthways, a wall with a Basin in and I try to centre up the basin, either on a grout joint or centre of tile. Same with a window.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:31 am
by lamntile
This brick border is a "fixed feature" in the room ie is it part of a wall that you have removed ? or something you are adding ?

If its already there you can do things one of two ways either center on that but depending on how it is you could end up with a narrow tile cut on one side of your room.

The other way is to even out your tiles both sides of the border as individual spaces.

Lay out your tiles both ways to see how it will look the choice is then yours no way is right or wrong if it look ok to you then its right lol.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:15 pm
by dexbond
hi the border will all be new, it is roughly s1x inches wide going from the ceiling on the right down the wall,across the floor and up the otherside wall to ceiling in the middle of the room. the room is at present empty ready for tiling.
the wall tiles i am using are 416x300 travertine effect
the brick border are 300x300 sheets cut in half
again thanks everybody for the brilliant advise

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:12 pm
by DIY_Johnny
Its worth checking how you tiles run all the way round the room and if you are new to tiling me, have a second check.

I have used a border half way up the wall, tiled round the bathroom then realised the border ran straight though the shower control. Doesn'ty give a good seal around the shower control

The was a bit of this :cussing: and then this :cb followed by this :scratch:


Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:22 am
by dexbond
thanks newbiejohn
i think you have just saved me a lot of grief, i never thought of that. i will have to move the sink

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:36 am
by DIY_Johnny
Went and did the same thing in the kitchen, started the tiles in the wrong place and had a small bit left at the wall corner. Am so anoyed at myself. Couldn't be assed taking them all off again .
