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auto log off it doing it again

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:38 pm
by gasspark
This happened once before when ever I jump from one forum to another I am logged off, I set the log on page to log me on automatically so I only know I've been logged off as when I press view posts since last log on is only shows the last minute

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:02 pm
by dave.m
It does not mean that you have been logged out, the clicky link is:
'View posts since last VISIT' not since you were last logged off.

As it only shows you the posts for the last minute, it means that you were still linked to the site.

When you say you visit other forums and then come back, do you leave the UHM tab open and use a new tab or new browser page to visit the other forums?
