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Internal wooden door that won't open

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:02 pm
by david_n_martin
Can anyone help?

I've got an internal door in my house that we don't often close. Closed it yesterday and pulled tight shut. Now, it won't open as it seems the handle isn't moving the catch in the wall. :cry:
I have tried taking the door handle off and fiddled about with a screwdriver trying to get it free, but no luck. The handle turns and I can turn the spindle thread through the handle, but it isn't releasing the latch.
The door opens into the room I can't get into.
Any suggestion will be gratefully received ! :grin:

Many thanks

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:28 pm
by tim'll fix it
sounds like the tubular latch is broken, can you get to the side of the door that you can see the end of the catch. You then need to slide something thin between the door and the frame this will pop the door open. Then you can just swap the latch.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:45 pm
by Gadget
If the door stop is a seperate piece, you could carefully remove it with a chisel, making it easier to get at the latch. Assuming of course the stop is on the side you can get at!!

Finally got the door open

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:05 pm
by david_n_martin
Thanks for your replies. :grin:
Unfortunatley it wasn't the side where I could see the latch to slide.
Also the woodwork around the frame is moulded around the wall, so tricky to get off.

A local locksmith has managed to get it open :wink:
He had lock fiddling tools and it turned out the latch had come loose from the turning mechanism inside. Will replace with new.

Many thanks to ALL :grin: