PIR Security Lighting with Wireless

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PIR Security Lighting with Wireless

Post by Swainy »


I'm going to set up a security light on my garage (standalone from the house) and was looking at cheap £8 PIR 150W lights from B&Q... I then noticed the fancy Wireless IQ Oryx lights at £39 which can sounds an alarm and operate a socket, allowing you to have an internal light come on as well - which is a great concept from a security point of view.

The problem is that the IQ Oryx is a 500W flood light, and I was looking for something more like a 300W light.

Has anyone purchased one of these? do they the job? Anyone seen a 150/300W on the market?

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Post by ultimatehandyman »

One of the sparks will hopefully add to this, but I would steer well clear of the cheap security/flood lights as they often do not last long at all.

Can you post some links to the lights that you have in mind and I'll take a look later :wink:

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Post by Swainy »

This is the B&Q light I'm considering getting, I think I've just missed out on a sale, it was listed as £34 last night, and £39 today! :cb


I had a look through Screwfix for similar products, the stock IQ Lights, but not the wireless ones unfortunately. :?

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Post by ultimatehandyman »

I like the look of that light :wink:

You can buy that light and then put a 300 watt Lamp in it, which will be about £3.00

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Post by Rich-Ando »

imho i am not a B&Q fan at all. yes they have their uses but i do tend to find that a lot fo the stuff they sell is cheap crap but at a high price.

just an example of their pricing structure: -

an MK Water proof socket (not weather proof) costs me £20 give or take a couple of quid but at B&Q, the exact same item is nearly £50!!!

being in the electrical game every so often a customer provides their own materials, especially when it comes to lighting (not everybodies choices are the same so it makes sence for them to get them). on the odd occasion i have been given a B&Q sensor light to use, it has proved to be a right pain in the neck. they so called infra red detectors (only meant to operate on heat movement) pick up bushes blowing in the wind etc etc.

more to the point though, you are considering the one that sounds a chime inside the house when the sensor is activated.
if you do go down that route then make sure you do not face it towards any bushes etc or you won't get any sleep at all. also make sure you neighbours do not have any cats or you'll end up buying yourself an air gun for that 3am sounder ::b

regarding the 500W lamp, unfortunately it's cheap to manufacture and as such places stock them. total overkill imho.

yes you can change the lamp to a lower wattage one but you can also buy these sensors as a separate item and then buy an individual light at the wattage you require (150W)

there are always other choices, it's just knowing what to look for. you can even buy 150W lamps that are long enough to fit in a 500W fitting but they are expensive and i wouldn't recommend it
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Post by Swainy »

Cheers for the replies.

I'm not a huge fan of B&Q either, and I've been trying to find a similar product elsewhere.

My neighbour has a PIR floodlight on their garage (adjoined to mine) and that is always going off during the night because of the local cats - so I was aware of that issue - I'm probably going to mask the long range and anything that would be on the neighbours side of the driveway.

I believe that the internal alarm can be silenced and used with a table lamp - it will probably get more use whilst I'm away.

I might just call the distributer in Wetherby (www.iq-europe.co.uk) and find out if they supply this to anyone else or if I can buy direct and make a saving on B&Q.
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Post by ultimatehandyman »

That is a good idea, there must be a local stockist near to you :wink:

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