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Polishing Travertine tiles

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:00 pm
by arthurx1234
We had someone fill in the cracks in 3 Travertine tiles, he used some sort of filler and then buffed the 3 tiles up and they are now very shiny.
The other half would like the whole floor polished.
Can i use my drill with a backing plate and one of those wool polishing mitts or would i have to use something more abrasive (which i am not too keen on doing)

Also the guy left behind a bottle of CTF-40 BY FEDERCHEMICALS,most of the writing is foreign however the only words in Eglish are "protective water oil repellent" any idea how i use this?

Re: Polishing Travertine tiles

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:36 pm
by builderbanter
I think what you have there is an impregnator, or a sealant/glaze product. These can be used, but it's always best to check the manufacturers instructions, which you can't do!

I think your best bet would be to try it on a spare tile (if you have one) or on a hidden/less obvious tile.

Hope this helps.

Re: Polishing Travertine tiles

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:52 pm
by thescruff
CFT40 is an Anti-stain for marble and Granite tops and surfaces.

Re: Polishing Travertine tiles

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:12 am
by leebwk
to be honest i would get someone in to strip the floor and then re-polish because believe me it is not a simple process and i have had the same problem, all in all it takes about half a day to strip, polish and re-seal, cost me about £200 in all which was well worth it, because materials used came to quite a bit