Question on LED lighting

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Sam Spade
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Question on LED lighting

Post by Sam Spade »

Hi Folks,

Posted this on the Screwfix forum but didn't get any replies. (Surprisingly, didn't even get flamed)

Just wondered if anybody here could help?

Morning folks,

Just got a few questions on these: - ... id%3D69365#

I know they're meant as stairlights, but I'm looking to use them in a cupboard as I'm lead to believe they're 'cool' running.

1. (Most important question) Does anybody know the depth of these? - I've got about a 3" void so need to consider this carefully.

2. Would they be too bright? - internal dimensions of the cupboard are about 2ft width x 4ft height.

3. There's little or no ventilation in the voids - would heat build-up be a problem?

I don't want to use pygmie's (Not sure how you spell Pygmie) as they're goddam ugly!

Any other suggestions would be most welcome.
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Post by sparkydude »

Hi , no idea as to the depth of these, but they will be cool running as leds do not give off any heat at all to speak of. The lights you link to look like they have half shaded like eyelid fittings, so it depends where you propose on fitting them as to whether they will illuminate what you want to .

If it isnt broke dont bloody touch it until it bloody well is and if it is broke then make drawing of the connections before you remove the broken one and replace with a new one LoL

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