Aldi specials september

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Aldi specials september

Post by ultimatehandyman »


For all DIY enthusiasts looking to create a snug home and finish off odd jobs before winter sets in, take a trip to your local Aldi store. The premium discounter has everything you need to get your home ship shape - from wood drills to router tables - allowing you to make BIG savings on the brand leaders.

These cut price DIY tools are available from 12th September.

Aldi special buys are only available as long as stocks last so don’t miss out!

950w Belt Sander, £19.99 each
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Belt sander - 1.jpg (47.09 KiB) Viewed 2547 times
950w Belt Sander.jpg
950w Belt Sander.jpg (72.75 KiB) Viewed 2547 times

A powerful 950W DIY belt sander, ideal for numerous smoothing and stock removal jobs. This machine includes a dust collection system, ergonomic handles for comfortable use, flat sided design for 'up the wall' sanding and five sanding belts.

Assorted Wood Drills, £2.99 each
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Unleash your inner DIY enthusiast with a selection of wood drills perfect for making precision bore angles, pocket and half holes, irregular and countersink holes and wood plugs in wood and veneers.
Choose from Forstner drill bits, drill saw bits, screw fit punch set, countersink drill set or plug cutter set.

Router 1200w, £19.99 each

Are you looking to add that personal touch to your furniture? If so, this sophisticated piece of machinery enables you to make elaborate cuts, shaped grooves and hollows with ease.

Router Table, £24.99 each
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With your safety in mind, this specially designed sturdy table is ideal for holding your router steady while carrying out those intricate tasks. The top quality die cast aluminum top table converts your router into a spindle motor.

Visit for more details or call customer services on 0844 406 8800.
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