
All electrical lighting questions in here please. Including outside lighting and light switch / dimmer questions.

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Post by jonah »

My light in the bedroom has had a low energy bulb for some time however, now it does not seem to want to work. I have checked it is ok in another light so i know it is not the bulb. When i switch the light on, the bulb lights (flashes) and then goes out. It will not do this everytime as the next switch nothing happens but then i get a flash next time it is switched on.

Has anyone go any ideas? I am goin to put in standard halogen bulb to see if this works but hoped for some advice.
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Post by Rich-Ando »

have you tried it more than once in another light fitting?

reason i ask is that if the lamp is on it's way out, you may find it's intermittently working and it could just be bad luck that it works in another fitting when you tired it.

easiest way is to try another lamp in the fitting in question.

possible answers: -

loose or broken wire in the pendant
loose or broken wire in the rose
light switch failing

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