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Cat 6 network cable extension from BT master socket.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:18 am
by jsoellner

My office, which is inside a warehouse building, is about 30m away from my BT master socket (they wouldn't put it anywhere else, only 3m from where the line came into the building).

So, I planned to install my own CAT6 cable going from BT's master socket to my own aftermarket NTE5 style socket. I decided to use the blue/blue and white pair (Blue from 2 and blue/white from 7 on the extension plate on BT's socket, to blue B and blue/white A on my own socket - is that right?)

Total length is about 20-30m with some bends etc. I can plug my router into my own master socket and it works - I get a web connection and can browse web pages, send and receive emails etc, but the speed is poor - about 300kbits/sec.

I do not get a dial tone for the phone/fax from my own socket. I do get a dial tone at BT's master socket.

This sounds like one leg dis but I tried with a new length of CAT6 cable and it's the same. What else could it be? Dodgy punch down connectors on the back of one of the sockets? Length of cable too long? Too many bends? I thought it could be electrical cable interference from some electric cable that was quite near to my CAT6 in some places but I moved my cable away and it's the same.

I need to get this sorted and any help will be appreciated!

Re: Cat 6 network cable extension from BT master socket.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:33 am
by tooltraderdirect
I assume you are using microfilters

Re: Cat 6 network cable extension from BT master socket.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:44 pm
by scot-canuck
meant to be 2 and 5 not 2 and 7
So you are using one leg only ie 2
Change 7 to 5 and it should all work fine

Re: Cat 6 network cable extension from BT master socket.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:06 am
by BillyGoat
Cat 6 sucks donkey balls for the connections too - it always seems too thick for the clamps, I tend to go with 5e