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IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:39 am
by leebwk
Hi All,
Am currently fitting an Ikea kitchen in our house, and although i am very impressed with the quality of the units and appliances it does have a few drawbacks, and the one i need a bit of advice is the fact that the base units have no service area at the back so obviously the backs are immediately against the wall, now we are going to be fitting a corner unit with carousel but it will have the sink waste and hot and cold feeds running through the unit, which now may impede the carousel, what i really want to know before i unpack/build the unit and carousel is, can the carousel shelf be adjusted ie up and down on the supporting rod or is it a predetermined height?? if so i will be able to position the shelf between to 2 sets of pipes.
Just wondered if anyone has any experience with this type of unit
Thanks in advance
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:08 am
by fin
if you can knock up a basic plan showing where the kitchen sink is to go and where the carousell is to go etc perhaps we could come up with a different idea? sounds to me like youll have a lot of hastle trying to make the carousell work with all the pipes etc in the unit aswell
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:41 am
by leebwk
Hi Fin,
Thanks for the reply,
Unfortunately the way our kitchen is set up, this is the only option, all the pipes are tight against the wall and to be honest i may well be able to alter the hot and cold feed if need be, it's really just the waste and if i can move the shelf up or down it shouldn't be a problem, but i do not know whether these are moveable
Thanks again
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:28 pm
by dewaltdisney
If this is your unit it looks like the shelf height is adjustable by using the grub screw to set the shelf height on the spindle ... 05_PUB.PDF
Unless I read it wrong
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:48 pm
by root
bloody ikea instructions
they must save a packet not having to translate them
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:58 pm
by leebwk
Many thanks for all the replies, and no doubt i would have found the answer if i had opened the box, but with this info i should be able to get round the problem
Thanks again
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:51 pm
by Argyll
I wasn't aware the carcasses had no service area at the back
What are you meant to do to get around the pipes? Surely you can't be expected to cut in to the carcasses themselves
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:42 pm
by fin
bury the hot and cold pipes into the wall and just have the waste inside the unit if needs be then mate. cant you not drop the waste under the units?
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:07 pm
by leebwk
Hi Fin,
I buried the pipes in the wall but brought them out about 450mm above the floor tight to the back of the wall, and the trouble with the waste is that discharges through an internal wall into a SVP that is original all we are doing is picking up the existing and to try and cut into it lower down would be a real pain as i would have to blast a hole through the internal wall to pick up the boxed in SVP.
Everything was set out perfectly so it would be hidden behind the service area, and it was only after it was delivered that i found out that it didn't have one
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:00 pm
by joinerjohn
When fitting Ikea kitchen units, it pays to plan everything in advance. Water and gas services can be relocated so they run along walls, no higher than 140mm. Then they can be brought out from the wall and enter the base unit through the bottom. Or better still, channeled into the wall so they come straight through the back of the unit. Waste can usually be core drilled once the units are in position.
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:56 pm
by leebwk
Hi All,
Just a quick update,
Kitchen fitted this weekend and overall everything turned out fine, carousel works a treat, even though there is no service area at the back of the unit if you keep waste tight to the back the carousel just misses the pipe, so all good.
I must say the i am mightily impressed with the quality of Ikea kitchens and accessories, i would definitely recommend to anyone who is looking for a new kitchen.
Thanks again
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:57 am
by Simon Site Manager
Have fitted Ikea kitchen in ex-girlfriends house, was impressed by the quality and ease of fitting!
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:24 am
by Argyll
I'm still confused where all the pipework goes if there is no service area at the back?
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:28 am
by darrenba
Argyll wrote:I'm still confused where all the pipework goes if there is no service area at the back?
Ikea kitchens are designed in Sweden where they have timber framed houses and all the services go inside the timber frame hence no need for a service area. Hence to install them over here you need to route the services either in the wall or below the units.
Re: IKEA Kitchen carousel
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:33 am
by dewaltdisney
These units are from Europe where it is usual to have service pipes buried in the wall. They have a lot of dry lining so it is easy enough to fit the pipes in the wall not so much here where we have more brickwork. Never done one but I guess you could run the pipes in the void area under the units or assemble the plumbing by drilling holes through. It needs a bit of thought before you carry out the installation.