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Valuable lessons, learned the hard way . . .

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:33 pm
by singlerider
I'll start.

Couple of weekends ago I saw my mate off as he was emigrating to Brazil. Went up to Brum for a knees up, and ended up drinking till about 7am(ish) - don't quite remember the real time for some reason . . .

Anyways, the next day I was on a promise to sort out a mate's electrics, so I had to get up and get down to Brighton. Woke at midday, feeling fine, and jumped in the motor. As the drive progressed, I felt worse and worse as my hangover started to kick in, until upon finally reaching Brighton, I felt like death warmed up.

I set to, after turning everything off in the flat's consumer unit and switching off the shower's dedicated breaker. As I'm fiddling about I get a little twinge, which I think is a bit weird, but I write off as 'residual current'. I carry on and get a proper jolt, did a funny little dance on top of the steps before jumping off.

Well, it cleared my head - I can tell you that much. I'm thinking a lot more now, and what I'm thinking is that I totally forgot to isolate at the supply - the switch may have been off, but there's still mains going in to the damn thing!

So, the two very valuable lessons learned that day:

1. NEVER do electrical work after 5 hours sleep and tons of booze
2. In cases of emergency, electrocution is a helluva hangover cure!

Anyone got words of wisdom they'd like to pass on?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:47 pm
by Bludall
You were lucky, at least you're still around to tell the tale.
When I was about 4 years, I was playing near our partly renovated barn with a doll in a pram full of water, no idea why. I reached up to grab a wire to hang the wet doll on and got a funny whizzing, burning sort of feeling in my hand. The wire was live and I'd removed the insulation tape and electrocuted myself. I still have a scar where the wire went into my hand. I can remember it like it was yesterday.
It's amazing how easy it is to do.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:35 pm
by Wood Magnet
Yeah! Never drive after a skinful of booze and 5 hours kip. :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:29 pm
by Gadget
pitbull wrote:Yeah! Never drive after a skinful of booze and 5 hours kip. :shock:
Yup, so true, still be way over the limit after 5 hours!