Choosing a venue for the Xmas office party

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Choosing a venue for the Xmas office party

Post by Stoday »

Stoday’s hints and tips.

When comparing prices, look out & see if coffee and possibly pies are included. If it don’t say, you’ll get £2.50 or more pp added.

Most people will want the traditional turkey & trimmings. Is the establishment big enough to have fresh turkeys? Is the normal quality such that you’ll get a fresh turkey rather than frozen or Bernard Mathew’s turkey breast only?

Does the venue have a chef or a cook? Cooks are to chefs as handymen are to tradesmen.

Are you paying a chef’s price but getting cooks cuisine?

Don’t tolerate establishments that demand you choose a menu for each in your party. That’s asking for problems.

If there are more than 6 in your party, don’t try to get a date that suits everyone. It can’t be done!

Please feel free to add your tips...
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Post by skiking »

I organised a works Xmas do a number of years ago. The menu consisted of about 5-6 options plus similar for deserts. Knowing that most of us would be p*ssed before we got in there I had a cunning plan to take the pressure of remembering who was having what. Each person was given a silly name (mostly polite except for my Boss and the bint he was knocking off :roll: :lol: ) and this was printed on a sticky label together with the menu they had chosen. Everyone except my boss wore the labels all night and the staff just had to look :thumbright:
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Post by Only-Me »

I work for myself..........mines in Mc D's :? Turkey burger :scratch:
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Post by Hoovie »

My Works Xmas do is £25 ahead for a buffet lunch in a local pub - and I use the word "local" jokingly - it is a 5 hour round trip for me to get there.

Think I will NOT be going :lol:
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?"
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Post by Telmay »

Always remember to book entertainment that does not appeal to anyone else except you the organiser, that will make sure everybody clears off home early
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Post by Hoovie »

At Dell, they used to book some quality entertainers for Xmas parties. Had Hale & Pace - at the time they were still on the telly.

Also had Julian Clary one year who was very good - and what was even better was the way one of the guys I worked with was a bit of a homephobe, and stormed out the room when JC started his act shouting "I didn't pay to watch some ****ing poof". Obviously forgot it was a free night out (well, he was Scottish!)
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?"
She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

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