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E-mail from yougov

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:07 pm
by wine~o
Yep that's right the people who are "Running the country"

"Love it, hate it: It’s official!
The Great British Marmite divide: 33% love it, 33% hate it (27% neither love nor hate it)."

Now we know why the economy is in such a mess...... ::b :?

Re: E-mail from yougov

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:24 pm
by dave.m
wine~o wrote:Yep that's right the people who are "Running the country"

"Love it, hate it: It’s official!
The Great British Marmite divide: 33% love it, 33% hate it (27% neither love nor hate it)."

Now we know why the economy is in such a mess...... ::b :?
The economy would be less of a problem IF the prats could only add up:
33% + 33% + 27% = 93%
Where did the other 7% go?

Re: E-mail from yougov

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:28 pm
by thescruff
7% were still doing time :lol:

Re: E-mail from yougov

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:47 pm
by wine~o
dave.m wrote:
The economy would be less of a problem IF the prats could only add up:
33% + 33% + 27% = 93%
Where did the other 7% go?
Glad at least 2 outta 4 of us can do percentages..... (or 47% according to yougov. con)...

The other 7% are migrants and ticked the "Can I have an interpreter" box....

Re: E-mail from yougov

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:07 pm
by prem
a high % of them were asylum seekers, who thought it said dynamite. the 7% ticked the wooden box to post the answers in ( pikies )