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Passport Renewals!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:09 pm
by coventrycraig
Just renewed my families passports - 3 adults,2 kids. £340 plus an extra £60 today for an error we made - its such a headach dealing with them. My cheque was dated wrongly etc.. Cant understand the person on the phone having poor english plus we are in a hurry to get them.

be warned guys !

Craig :cussing:

Re: Passport Renewals!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:36 pm
by ultimatehandyman
Complete rip off :angryfire:

I changed address a few months back and so had to get a new license that expires in 10 years time. So the old paper license that I had for 21 years had to be sent back, the old paper license never expired you just had to retest at 70

The new license expires after 10 years so it's another money making scheme for the government that will no doubt keep some public sector workers in a job.

Re: Passport Renewals!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:50 pm
by white pan man
I went down to see george the forge and I can get 5 new passports,a paper driving license and a Honours in Mechanical Engineering from the university of Zimbabwe for only 56.80,just shows ,it who you know


But if we are getting into the government rip off's that seem to have evolved,mine is the premium rate telephone lines to doctors surgeries,no big deal to me maybe but I have to watch my elderly relatives being put on hold/or listen to endless messages that all lines are busy, for repeat perceptions until they get there monies worth from the call

Re: Passport Renewals!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:33 am
by BillyGoat
They only last 10 years? Robbing b**tards!!! Mine is currently running until 2020....hope I don't lose it - especially when I'm away!!! Sadly, it seems I'm running out of pages.

I was told by a mate who flys more than me to get the ones with extra pages.....apparently it's only a couple of quid more too.


Re: Passport Renewals!

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:50 am
by Stoday
white pan man wrote: But if we are getting into the government rip off's that seem to have evolved,mine is the premium rate telephone lines to doctors surgeries
The government has told the doctors to stop the rip-off 084 numbers from earlier this year. Some need a kick up the arse from the local newspaper to stop the rip off though.
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