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Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:30 pm
by headey
Apologies. I know this topic has been raised before, but I'm still struggling.

Assuming this photo is visible (and ignoring the dirty marks), this is a picture of the internal beading. The outside looks similar, but you can definitely make out the welds, so the inside must be the one that is removable. Only trouble is, I can't shift it. I've fitted Wickes windows and removed beading and glass from other windows, but this one is defeating me.
WindowBeading(lowRes).JPG (52.95 KiB) Viewed 17802 times
As you can see, the beading was cut very accurately and I cannot get even the tip of a wallpaper scraper between the joints. I've read that you can sometimes loosen the glass by pushing the rubber seal down into the frame, thus giving a few valuable mm of play to rotate the beading and clip it off it's seating. Only trouble is, I've tried both the inner and outer seals and cannot push them far enough to release the pressure on the glass.

I've tried sliding the scraper between the seal and glass and seeing if it will twist off if I pull the scraper towards me. Nothing. I've managed to get the tip of the scraper into one corner, between two beads, but any movement of the blade just damages the beading and doesn't remove it.

Anyone got any other suggestions?

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:59 pm
by ayjay
headey wrote:Apologies.

I've read that you can sometimes loosen the glass by pushing the rubber seal down into the frame, thus giving a few valuable mm of play to rotate the beading and clip it off it's seating. Only trouble is, I've tried both the inner and outer seals and cannot push them far enough to release the pressure on the glass.

Anyone got any other suggestions?
Pull the rubber seal right out, rather than pushing it in.

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:35 pm
by cotswold builders
You need to pull the seal out, it wont push in, this will give you a bit more play.
But, you should be able to prise the beads out without removing the gasket, does your scraper have a solid ( non flexible blade ) or try a putty knife, its always best to start on the longest beads and in the centre of them.
If its that solid, gently tap a wood chisel in and force out, (not against the glass ).

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:45 pm
by headey
Many thanks for the suggestions.
Pull the rubber seal right out, rather than pushing it in.
I did try to pry the outside seal up, but there it was quite deep and appeared to be securely held way beyond the reach of the scraper. On the inside of the window the distance between bead and glass is a little narrower and the seal is very tight. I've just tried pushing the blade between the seal and the bead, but haven't managed to get in yet. I'm a little scared of damaging the bead. Of course, once I do get the beading off and the glass out, I can replace the beading with new, but can I be sure any new beading will be compatible?
If its that solid, gently tap a wood chisel in and force out, (not against the glass ).
Direction? Does the beading need to be pushed towards the glass to release it? Sounds like a daft question, but it feels so solid I'm reluctant to be too brutal with it. Or does the beading separate from the frame by moving upwards, parallel to the glass, if you see what I mean?

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:54 pm
by Razor
Start at the longest bead, use an 1 1/4" Wood chisel which isn't razor sharp.

Push it in the gap a couple of mill then hit the flat of it a nice sharpish tap parallel to the glass and towards the centre of the window.
Once you pop the first one it becomes much easier but if you reusing them make sure that you label where they go.

If you're replacing the unit get yourself a pack of spacers so you can heel n toe it properly before reassembly :wink:

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:05 pm
by fin
in my experience with old double glazed pvc units they always seem different. lots of different profiles and manufacturers.

some windows, particularly the older style internaly beaded ones had a removable gasket on the outside. then the beads are quite loose.

others are fixed gaskets and just require a bit of work.

some are a right t*at. others are easy.

when im deglazing old windows., or fitting new i always use what i beleive to be called a don carlos knife to remove the beads. way better than a chissel or scraper or anything else. plus in 8 years or so of using my knife ive never damaged a bead yet on a new window and only very occasionally on a twatfull window.

have a bash at pulling the gasket up on the outside. but if it doesnt come up pretty quickly then its probably fixed in and perseverence with the internal beads will see then out.

start from the centre if the beads mitred. but if there butted then starting from one end seems to be easier.

a don carlos knife ... Bg&dur=612


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:11 pm
by headey
Thanks for all the tips, guys. I finally got the beading off.

Just in case you're interested; all the beading I've installed or removed was (at least in my memory) beading that clipped onto a protrusion from the plastic frame of the window. Today's beading actually has a tongue that fits into a slot in the frame. Hence my confusion. Now I know how it fits together, I can remove it with (relative) ease.

Thanks once again.

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:55 pm
by fin
good stuff.

for the other guys that posted. buy yaselves one of those don carlos knifes.

Re: Removing beading from uPVC frames

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:38 pm
by northwales4u
fin wrote:some windows, particularly the older style internaly beaded ones had a removable gasket on the outside. then the beads are quite loose.
Tell me about it - bought a couple of very thin windows off ebay that are glazed that way and after messing about for ages a mechanic down the road called up and popped them in - apparently those type are the same as putting in windscreens