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Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:16 am
by jp_101
I have not long come back from work and found that the tilier has used a wall tile adhesive as a grout for my bathroom wall tiles. My partner bought the adhesive thinking it was grout and the tiler used it non the wiser (who is to blame) anyway. What are my options in solving this issue?
Can i leave the adhesive as is and will be water proof?
I heard there was a silicone type coating i could apply to the tiles and grout?
Or is the option, as a fear, grind out the grout and re-apply actual grout.
Jokes and comments welcome
Re: Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:20 am
by Colour Republic
If the 'tiler' used adhesive thinking it was grout then he is no tiler.
I'd be more worried about what is he could have stuffed up!
Re: Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:29 am
by jp_101
Any possible remedies to this then?
Re: Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:35 am
by Colour Republic
What is the adhesive called? Brand and name.
It will have to come out I'm afraid, how long that takes will depend on what was used
Re: Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:47 am
by jp_101
The stuff that was used was from the BnQ
Unibond Tile on walls Advanced All Purpose adhesive. This is gonna be hell.
A mean who is to blame? The tiler for no picking it up in fact that it was adhesive that was used instead of grout or the fact that we bought it.... A don't care any more all a know is its going to be some job getting this sorted.
The guy is a plaster who agreed to do the tiling on the bathroom once the suite had been installed.
Re: Wall Tile Adhesive used as Grout
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:18 pm
by royaloakcarpentry
What were the tiles that have been put up.......ceramic, stone etc and what size were they?
It could even be that the adhesive is incorrect for the tiles.
Were the tiles put onto finish plaster or backing plaster?? As a plasterer tiled, I presume that he plastered the walls.
What has the plasterer sealed the walls with before tiling?
You don't tile once the suite is installed. You tile when the bath/shower or both are in and before the toilet and basin are in. Normally, that is.