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Wiring power/reset switch ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:40 pm
by Nayr-plumbing
Ok so i have modded a case so my computer will fit into a spare sky+ box so it will blend in ! My question is now how can i wire up the buttons on the front of the old sky+ box so the control the pc ? My goal is to use the power from the sky box to be the power button and use another button from reset ! But how do i wire theses ? They are on a pcb ? And also is it possible to get the ring of leds to work and turn off approiatly ?

Can this be done ?

Many thanks

Re: Wiring power/reset switch ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:00 pm
by kellys_eye
Anything is possible - depends on how determined you are!

You have to find and isolate the parts of the track that form the switches on the pcb. This can be done by making a small 'slice' through the copper track either side of the switch contact areas using a stanley knife blade. Use a meter to ensure the pads really ARE isolated. Solder wires to the isolated parts and use these to replace the standard PC casing switches.

The LEDs can be similarly isolated - make sure you keep the resistors associated with each LED too OR find their value (probably around 1k ohm) and fit your own - IIRC the resistors aren't anywhere near the original LEDs.

I'm surprised you managed this task as I've looked into it myself and the mini AT board I have wouldn't fit properly - especially with the Sky Box switches still in place.....

Re: Wiring power/reset switch ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:51 pm
by Nayr-plumbing
There are boards that will fit but most boards are just a wee bit to big ! But u can fit it in using a pico psu aswell makes everything tideier an gives more room internally !

So basically just solder on wires to them ?

Also any way to used the ir sensor for a remote control and the pause forward back buttons for any programs ? Xbmc ? What would i need to do this ?

Re: Wiring power/reset switch ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:25 pm
by kellys_eye
The IR sensor would require electronics (albeit minimal) to interface it to the standard IR port on your mobo. It's then a question of the correct software to accept control codes. XBMC remotes have software for use with the built-in IR ports of PCs so that's the first place to start looking.
The IR device in the Sky Box is a three-pin device with built-in amplification, pulse-shaping etc - basically, power, ground and digital signal output (via a pull-up resistor).
Not sure if there is software support for additional buttons but you could use a keyboard pcb (taken from inside an old keyboard) and wire the Sky Box buttons to the appropriate pins for any particular 'key' you feel you can use. I have a keyboard with the standard 'play, FF, RW, Pause' etc buttons and figuring out with matrix connections are associated with the keys would be pretty straightforward.

Re: Wiring power/reset switch ?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:20 pm
by Nayr-plumbing
Been searching around would it be easier to use a product like an ipac2 ? They seem pretty easy right ?