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Wall Prep

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:19 pm
by Fenris
Long story short, my Mother's friend is tiling our bathroom for us. He's just been round and dropped off a tub of PVA Bond some Wickes non slip tile adhesive. He mentioned that tonight the walls need to be painted with the bond, I'm unsure of the instructions on the tub though.

The wall to be tiled is a bit rough, so I take it we're priming or sealing said wall?

Re: Wall Prep

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:18 pm
by ultimatehandyman
You need to read the instructions on the tile adhesive, then only PVA the walls if the tile adhesive recommends it.

Using PVA is not recommended by many manufacturers and can cause the tiles to eventually drop off in wet areas.